Just for a bit of perspective, the number of strep A cases deaths in this country is lower than it was in 2018. This particular plague is mostly in the minds of the press, not based in reality...
For what it's worth at Burnley, they tried introducing a rule about not letting anyone else use a season ticket, but they were surprised to find how many people did share already - parents as above, or work colleagues on shifts, or people who for whatever reason couldn't or didn't want to pay...
Just out of interest, what's the club policy on the not-infrequent scenario where a child or children has parents who, for whatever reason, take turns to take the child to home matches on a shared season ticket? Perhaps the parents aren't really interested in football, or are separated and have...
I hope they do. They have already expelled the 7 Labour MPs who received jail sentences during the 12 years of Tory rule, so that's 7 less rotten apples that won't be corrupting the party.
Don't you think you're being a bit old fashioned there? For one thing, it's not all that unusual nowadays for a woman (especially in a public profession such as acting) to retain her single name; for another, the modern way is not to differentiate between men and women in matters of etiquette...
It's a recurring circle. If Harry believes it is unnecessary to find out every little detail of what goes on behind the scenes, then why the 6-part series to tell us what went on behind the scenes?
Link here. The same reported in the Daily Telegraph,
One of them is a photo shoot of Harry Potter and the Deathly...
I think if a service is provided in this country, then VAT is chargeable regardless of where the person lives.
However, a lot of this thread is still missing the point. Schools' VAT exempt status is not because they are registered charities. Even registered charities have to charge VAT on...
That may be true. The British Empire tried (successfully) to abolish slavery throughout the world a couple of hundred years ago, and as China is still at it, they're once again trying to impose the anti-slavery colonial superiority.
You can see it in Qatar as well. You wouldn't believe the...
I think school fees are exempt from VAT because provision of education is an exempt supply. Most private schools are charities, but I don't think they have to charge VAT even if they are profit-making.
"Non-profit making" in the charitable sense doesn't mean that it doesn't have a surplus. It means that that surplus has to remain in the charity and cannot be distributed as profit for shareholders or owners.
That would make very little difference. Charitable schools, by definition, are not profit-making.
The current issue is about whether provision of education should stop being exempt from VAT and become standard rated.
Grammar schools, on the other hand, were ways of getting children of different backgrounds to mix while at the same time providing an excellent education, as Keir Starmer found. (Though of course they too fell victim to the "levelling down" strategy of the sixties and seventies.)
They can't ban public schools full stop, because the richer ones (boarding schools) would move abroad. They would be able to close the cheaper end of the market, and the day schools.