just hit my 40th year as a fan and this is the first time ive gone a month without caring if we scored. practically the whole 40 years weve been fighting for promo or avoiding relegation for near on the whole season but after the Roma capitulation i practically gave up then. still watched half...
i once blew a job (when i asked for feedback afterwards) because i had dirty hands. I arrived barely on time and looking a touch hot after i had cycled to the interview (seemed like a good idea at the time!) but i had some trouble locking the bike up and must have got my hands dirty off the...
i hate it when i give my number (eg made up) 07991 403 826 and they read it back 079 91 40 38 26 and i'm like wtf i dunno. who remembers their phone number in groups of 2 digits lol
in need btc and others to do NOTHING for a month.. im selling a property and have 10% earmarked for this bull run (im downsizing so im okay with the risk). at this rate crypto will be half way to the new ATH by the end of the month...and a 2x return wont wash for the risk involved
and doesnt the Thai Baht devalue about 50% each year against major currencies so wave goodbye to half your profits. oh and banks restrict a lot of the currencies when converting back to GBP or EUR etc.