We have a biglier number of deaths from Corona than the whole of EU so it means we are winning as theirs less people to spread the diseese to others so Boris is great
You Tobies use reports from Imperiearl Colledge London and facts but we patriots know the TRUTH comes from the University of Live (fist class honors) and Facebook so im going all in on toilet roll and if any 70 year old gets in my way their will be blood on the streets
i have a sore knee from when i fell of my bicycle so my mum has put a plarster on it but gave me some jelly and ice cream to make it better but so that makes me having a health condition to
He loves his MUM so stop picking on Tommy
All he did was put the riot in patriot but you leftys just keep makeing him out to be a wrong un but he loves his mum so is innercent