does read very much as I apologise but, whilst not apologising to the person who deserves an apology. I would hope as a fellow professional he would have done so privately
I enjoy the rivalry but a couple of seasons without those games with us at least a division above will be quite nice to be honest. I do think they are in a bad way currently and I'm not convinced they would be a straight back up kind of team
I listen to his podcast regularly and enjoyed his book the bitterness here seems out of place with his normal measured opinions like you say this does come across as being more about his tenure than our current situation
he often seems to talk a lot of sense and has in the past been complimentary about us. Palace are in his blood though regardless of how much he up through letting his heart rule his head. our time to gloat on this is a while away yet when palace are in league one and we are still...
after full time popped round to see my daughter stewarding in east just this minute got back to seaford. queues for trains seemed worse than ever even 45.mins after full time