I went in soon after it opened and thought the same. Its better now but i only go in for a carry out to sup on the train. I think they do have an en suite now though.
I can't answer that, but I do remember Socrates turning out for a non-league team years back. I think he was in his fifties. I guess maybe the chairman knows someone who knows someone....
I still find his "go to" move of flopping forward at the slightest touch enjoyable, but it's the nuance and sheer range of his repertoire that is so impressive. The passive/aggressive style is truly his own. He makes pantomime shousers like Martinez look like amateurs.
A tweak to our approach to a tricky away game felt right. Different vibe of course if we'd lost, but the smash 'n' grabbiness of the result left a warm glow. I'm sure we'll have Hurlitzer back next game rather than Houghton.