Of course people want to come here. Compared to many other countries it's not too bad a place. HOWEVER there are far far too many people "coming here". The numbers need to be properly controlled and the British Government needs to be making the decisions about who can come here and who can't...
Why do we (and all the other clubs) have to introduce a new shirt every year? Oh, I know, to rip off fans who get forced into buying a new shirt every year, It's ridiculous. Why do people get sucked into it? And then I'm sure many plead poverty.
Veering further to the right is what the Tories DO need to do. They've been far to close to the centre with high taxation and a failure to address the wokeism destroying our country.
My "party of choice" used indeed to be Tory, but they have screwed up in the last few years. However, having said that, I hate to imagine what an almighty mess the Labour Party would have made trying to steer the country through the Covid nonsense. I will actually be voting Reform UK this time...
Even higher taxes and in the long term. Too much influence from the unions. They elected Jeremy Corbyn as leader and can therefore never ever be trusted. Anti semitism is rife. Labour’s solution to any and every problem is to spend more public money on it. Soft on immigration. That's just a few...
A Labour government would be the worst possible outcome for this country. Yes, the Conservatives have made a bit of a mess of things, but after a year or two of a Labour government you'll all be wishing Rishi was back at the helm.
When I was a kid on the farm, if a pet was ill it was put down. No massive vets bills for who knows what kind of treatments. No pet insurance. The fact is, pets are animals. If you can't handle the death of a pet then you shouldn't have one in the first place.
I was probably going to vote Reform UK. Now definite after Farage's speech this afternoon. Totally aligned with my thinking. And the man is a real breath of fresh air after the boring leaders and boring senior members of the other parties. How refreshing to hear someone saying what he thinks. He...
In order to offer an alternative opinion, I have been to Cote restaurants in a number of different towns over a number of years and have found them consistently good. Good food, good service, good value. Last one was Sloane Square last month. Very good.
Because the man talks a lot more sense than most politicians. Because he's smart and entertaining to listen to. Because he is not boring. Because he is controversial which makes for good TV.