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  1. B

    Bryan Munich

    iM herE whaT dO yoU wanT oH comedY gurU??
  2. B

    Grammar and spelling police

    i thinK yoU alL neeD tO geT a lifE inniT...
  3. B

    A possible solution to the "walk out" music and slowing down GOSBTS

    I reckoN DalE WintoN anD thE WengeR BoyS doinG SusseX bY thE seA woulD bE welL funnY foR teH lulZZZ! ROFL
  4. B

    Reid to leave Argyll after Albion defeat?

    pleasE caN thiS bE madE golD. itS thE throwinG oF pastieS lulllllllzzzzZ. rofL.
  5. B

    Gullys Gang Goodies!

    I lovE thE reV. wheN I groW uP I wanT tO writE alL mY sentenceS iN capitalS theN I wilL bE welL cooL anD thaT.
  6. B

    Best Curry House In Brighton?

    awaitS notterS compulsorY fixtureS
  7. B

    Does anyone actually PREFER home matches to away matches?

    I woulD prefeR thE firsT gamE oF thE seasoN tO bE a homE gamE tO opeN ouR branD neW stadiuM nexT seasoN
  8. B

    wanking at work....???

    heY iM dannY seagulL anD iM completelY crazYYYY witH mY sexuaL anticS mE iM jusT ofF tO telL anyonE whO wilL listeN *parP parP*
  9. B

    The Dammed United.Tonight at 9.

    iM surpriseD yoU havenT fixtureD anyonE yeT notterS aS thiS threaD iS similaR tO wheN iT camE ouT aT thE cinemA.
  10. B

    Home Grown Quota For Premiership

    WengeR woulD resigN. unlesS homE growN countS groomeD sincE 13 anD broughT oveR at a younG agE hencE "homE growN"
  11. B

    So where do YOU think we'll finish?

    wE wilL finisH iN thE cuP finaL inniT
  12. B

    Who do you think was the best COACH/MANAGER at the World Cup?

    DeL BosquE simplY becausE hE carrieD oN witH thE ainT brokE donT fiX iT wheN AragoneS lefT afteR winninG thE EuroS. AnotheR lessoN foR managerS.
  13. B

    There MIGHT be something really big going down this morning to be announced after11am

    looK aT mE. mY namE iS timmY anD i lovE thE attentioN.
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    God Lord I'm at my desk and drunk

    itS completE bollockS thE typinG iS toO coherenT inniT
  15. B

    Is it sick to laugh at this?

    shE haD a visiT froM mE thaT nitE anD a bloodY gooD shaG shE waS toO obviouslY thE olD briaN lovE truncheoN waS toO mucH inniT I lefT thE vibratoR tO throW theM ofF thE scenT. :clap2:
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    petitioN tO unbaN marS baR

    loL rofL lmaO
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    petitioN tO unbaN marS baR

    I takE iT yoU dO noT reallY takE tO mR maR theN ?
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    petitioN tO unbaN marS baR

    'therE' reallY iS
  19. B

    petitioN tO unbaN marS baR

    geT hiM bacK onlinE noW ! iT waS jusT A biT oF lighT banteR brinG bacK thE barS :bowdown:
  20. B

    Writing a letter to a women


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