Might be. I haven't followed enough detail. Either way, the idea of the Democrats voting him out because he was making deals with the Democrats seems a little counter-intuitive.
Gaetz had very little support from the Republicans in the house - only 8 out of 221 supported getting shut of McCarthy, with 3 abstentions. It's the Democrats who really stood with Gaetz on this issue, 208 of 211 voting against, 3 abstentions.
Strange, because it appears that Gaetz's...
This chart shows that capital expenditure by water companies is higher since privatisation than it was before privatisation. Is it wrong?
I'm not convinced that a bloc of 450m people (as diverse as Spain and...
If they wanted to generate headlines that neither the UK nor any EU system is any good, then they would have to run down the European models as well. Most people, not just the people on this board, know that European countries also have healthcare systems.
Remember that it was Labour who...
No, I'm not saying I would move to the US model. Repeat not. I wouldn't like to be misunderstood on this - so I will repeat that I do not like the US model.
The line "Surely other countries, perhaps those in the beloved EU, have healthcare systems that we could investigate?" was intended to...
Are there any other healthcare systems apart from the UK and the USA? It seems to be a general assumption that there are no alternatives to the NHS, the system that used to be called the "envy of the world", other than the US model. Surely other countries, perhaps those in the beloved EU, have...
Tip for youngsters - my nephew got a quote of close to £2k to insure a car in Preston. When he had his parents, living on Anglesey, as named drivers (but keeping himself as main driver) the quote halved.
Nothing's wrong with it. The difficulty with multiculturalism isn't that it gives people the right to live their lives as they choose, because liberal democracy does that too. It's that it separates the races rather than integrates them. You seem to think that the opposite of multiculturalism...
Good point. But, of course, cultural integration is well and truly frowned upon in certain "anti-racist" circles. How often do we hear about cultural appropriation as being a bad thing? Cultural integration is the opposite of multiculturalism, not a synonym.
How would you explain Corbyn's rhetoric about Jews being the scum of the earth? You wouldn't need to, because he didn't say it.
What Braverman said was that just being a woman, or being gay, wasn't enough to justify an asylum claim. You had to be individually persecuted. As you no doubt...
Multiculturalism isn't about people of different backgrounds and races all mixing together, as Braverman appears to have done. Multiculturalism is about keeping different races apart. Whether it's British expats in Spain living in little English-speaking communities and never learning Spanish...
If it's not about cutting journey times, why is it high speed? Why isn't the new line just a normal line dedicated to goods trains, so it doesn't matter that it isn't going to city centres, and the goods yards can be out of town. And they can no doubt design trains to either allow lorries to...
It might be because any organisation founded in the early 1900's was a bit short of stable European countries to operate from, over the first half of the century.
That's the point. If we get 5-minute charging in future, then we won't need street chargers; but if charging still takes 40 minutes or so, then we will. People on their way home don't stop for 40 minutes to fill up with petrol.
The cost of installing millions of charging points in every terraced street and near every block of flats would be huge. As would the cost of removing them again, unused, if the hoped-for solid-state faster recharging batteries become technologically possible. There may be better uses for...
There was a suggested government policy that recycling would have to be sorted by councils into seven different categories. I think many people just assumed that the councils would want seven bins for the seven categories; maybe not, maybe the councils were planning to let you bung all...
Primarily market forces. People (and I am one of them, having recently had a new gas boiler fitted to replace the old one) do not care enough about the environment, or aren't convinced enough of their own contribution to the damage, to pay an extra £10k or so (after allowing for grants) to fit...
I think I get it - at present offshore wind generation is cheaper than gas generation because of high gas prices. Until the war in Ukraine, gas generation was cheaper, and if we hadn't gone a bit gooey about the politics of North Sea gas generation it still would be. I hadn't actually realised...