Sort of miss the good old Withdean days when Krispies crumbling Skint shirt had letters progressively falling off til it finally, memorably, read 'I PI S'. Tho my favourite from the South Stand was the shirt sported by a permanently blushing youth bearing the legend 'MANBOY 15'![]()
Anyone ever had it mis printed? Like the “Albino” tattoo
Yes.Question about shirt printing...I'd normally just order online but can you turn up at the club shop (non-matchday), buy a shirt and have it personalised there and then?
Do they also do printing at the Churchill Square shop?Question about shirt printing...I'd normally just order online but can you turn up at the club shop (non-matchday), buy a shirt and have it personalised there and then?
Yes. Can’t claim the Amex discount there thoughDo they also do printing at the Churchill Square shop?
And only on a match day in any event.Yes. Can’t claim the Amex discount there though