Sorry, this is likely to be a rambling brain-dump...
As per a post a day or two back, due to a family bereavement, we're suddenly in a position where my mum, who has dementia and Alzheimer's is going to be living alone.
Today I feel very worried, actually quite panicked. My sister lives away from the area - with a job and family etc - she comes down as often as she can, but essentially the day-to-day is all on me.
We have a care package of four visits a day - breakfast-ish, lunch-ish, dinner-ish and 9-10pm-ish.
I can supplement that by going in a few hours most days, probably after school drop-off until I need to walk the dog again, so something like 8:30-12:30.
My concerns are wide and varied...
- What if mum leaves the house and gets lost/comes to harm? Mitigation: I hope to install cameras/doorbells that would alert me.
- Similarly inside the home - pretty low risk, I think, but not no-risk. Mitigation: cameras/two-way echo show devices or similar.
- Loneliness / mental well-being - my mum would be spending quite a bit of time alone. Being frank, she likes TV, but a life with mainly TV for company isn't great is it?
- What when I have other things on, or want to go on holiday for a week or two?
The care company tell me they have plenty of people like my mum living semi-independently, which gives me some encouragement, but I'm still very, very worried. I veer from "we've got to try this - it could be OK" to "this is horrible - this can't possibly work".
My mum doesn't have a lot of money and care costs as they are, there's a limit to what I could do for any period of time in terms of paying for additional care or even some company/human presence.
So, please share any experience you have - good and bad.
As per a post a day or two back, due to a family bereavement, we're suddenly in a position where my mum, who has dementia and Alzheimer's is going to be living alone.
Today I feel very worried, actually quite panicked. My sister lives away from the area - with a job and family etc - she comes down as often as she can, but essentially the day-to-day is all on me.
We have a care package of four visits a day - breakfast-ish, lunch-ish, dinner-ish and 9-10pm-ish.
I can supplement that by going in a few hours most days, probably after school drop-off until I need to walk the dog again, so something like 8:30-12:30.
My concerns are wide and varied...
- What if mum leaves the house and gets lost/comes to harm? Mitigation: I hope to install cameras/doorbells that would alert me.
- Similarly inside the home - pretty low risk, I think, but not no-risk. Mitigation: cameras/two-way echo show devices or similar.
- Loneliness / mental well-being - my mum would be spending quite a bit of time alone. Being frank, she likes TV, but a life with mainly TV for company isn't great is it?
- What when I have other things on, or want to go on holiday for a week or two?
The care company tell me they have plenty of people like my mum living semi-independently, which gives me some encouragement, but I'm still very, very worried. I veer from "we've got to try this - it could be OK" to "this is horrible - this can't possibly work".
My mum doesn't have a lot of money and care costs as they are, there's a limit to what I could do for any period of time in terms of paying for additional care or even some company/human presence.
So, please share any experience you have - good and bad.