Meh- luck has abandoned me. I’ll take the par. Average score today seems high at 4.1 thus far…
Wordle 1,271 4/6

Skill 89/99
Luck 43/99
Wordle 1,271 4/6

Skill 89/99
Luck 43/99
Don't worry - one of us will always top a 5! But very rare to get an all green 6Finally getting the hang of this game - think I’ve scored higher than anyone today
Wordle 1,271 5/6*
Absolutely useless!
What about?PLUMP
What aboutNope. As a knew 2 of the letters already, one of which isn't in your suggestion.
My 2nd guess was BOUND
What about- that's what I bizarrely went for in preference for either @BrightonCottager 's suggestion or the correct word!PLUMY
Ah yes!Nope. As I knew the last letter of the solution (it went yellow on guess 2)