Just a quick plug for Dogma fanzine, which currently has subscriptions available.
It's not only a great read, but it's clearly put together with a lot of care and craft - it always looks fantastic.
And, as a bonus there are always a few extras with each issue - stickers (many of which adorn the laptop I'm typing this on) and postcards.
You are unlikely to be disappointed if you subscribe, which you can do so here: https://www.dogmabrighton.com/shop/p/one-year-subscription
It's not only a great read, but it's clearly put together with a lot of care and craft - it always looks fantastic.
And, as a bonus there are always a few extras with each issue - stickers (many of which adorn the laptop I'm typing this on) and postcards.
You are unlikely to be disappointed if you subscribe, which you can do so here: https://www.dogmabrighton.com/shop/p/one-year-subscription