What a man this is. Just tearing down all the taboos and whispering on this subject, making it infinitely easier for (at least) Dutch people to talk about it openly. Bit like this thread, tbf.
What a man this is. Just tearing down all the taboos and whispering on this subject, making it infinitely easier for (at least) Dutch people to talk about it openly. Bit like this thread, tbf.
The PSA test is to test for prostate specific antigens, which may indicate the first signs of a prostate issue.I'm confused, I did the questionnaire but I don't understand the bit about the pros and cons of having a PSA tests. Is it not just a blood test?
Did that for mopping up after having my prostate out. Depending how close you are expect to take half a day. You will also get a tatoo (my 1st and only) a dot to show where to aim. You give yourself an enima half hour before and hydrate. You lie on the table and get your tackle out and then into the machine(like a MRI scanner) and its all over in about 15mins. The only side effects I got was a bit of sunburn on my pelvis and a bare patch in my pubes. Parking there can be a nightmare.Happy to share if you want any more info.I start radiation next week at the Preston Park clinic . Those of you who have experienced this what should I expect?
Check your risk in 30 seconds | Prostate Cancer UK
It's the most common cancer in men, but most men with early prostate cancer don't have symptoms. Find out about your risk now.prostatecanceruk.org
Just another gentle reminder gents.