At Everton they close the road just down from the church and announce when the team buses are arriving so you should be able to see them arrive at least.
I used to work with Harry Heath at Worthing College of Technology where he taught motor vehicle body repair. I remember now hearing about this clip. Good to see it and remember a nice chap
Second all of these but we are currently in Dubrovnik which is a beautiful place to visit and very easy to get to. Croatian people are also very friendly.
Remember watching it at the cinema when it first came out and the B film was a Travelogue. I’ll never be able to see a gondola without thinking of that immortal line “and more fxxxing gondolas”. Brilliant.
Spurs (home) 78. Terrifying. But on the Friday night I was watching a work colleague’s punk band in the Hungry Years when it dawned on me that all I could hear above the extremely loud band was ‘Glory Hallelujah‘. We escaped via a side door and returned to my friend’s car and spotted that all...
I parked by Selhurst Station (for free) this year and as we walked inconspicuously to the ground a Palace fan kindly tapped my husband on the shoulder and told him he was dragging his scarf behind him 😩