New member
Timing is interesting...
Unless Brexit is stopped we are heading towards a national catastrophe.
Is that what you all want for you, your children and your grandchildren.
I fail to see that you can say that with any conviction or factual evidence. Financial bods disagree, as do business leaders. In 10 years we may look back and say it was the best move. Any other sentiments of doom or elation are equally 'suck it and see'.
Catastrophe? Not so sure.
It's worrying how many Albion supporters have such short memories !
I fail to see that you can say that with any conviction or factual evidence. Financial bods disagree, as do business leaders. In 10 years we may look back and say it was the best move. Any other sentiments of doom or elation are equally 'suck it and see'.
Catastrophe? Not so sure.
Depends how you define catastrophe. We will survive as a nation, we survived two world wars, as a nation, but a lot of individuals didn't. I am sure there were even some people that did quite well out of the wars.
That doesn't make sense. The result was non-binding, that was a matter of law that was determined after the vote. It wasn't a promise. The lawmakers then made it law that we would leave. That wasn't reneging on a promise - there was no promise in the first place. Had the referendum result been a remain victory then we'd have simply remained in. There'd have been no furore.The result of the referendum was specifically declared non-binding and then the law was changed to renege on this promise. Can you imagine the furore and cries of “affront to Democracy” this would have elicited from the Leave mob if this had happened in reverse and a binding agreement had been made non-binding.
Last term I had to vote independent because I still can't vote Lib Dem. Should we get another GE however, I might have to put my feelings aside for one term.It's worrying how many Albion supporters have such short memories !
Yes,you're absolutely correct about other nations having another vote on eu issues. This is because like this result the ruling elite probably didn't like the result and wanted it changed?
That doesn't make sense. The result was non-binding, that was a matter of law that was determined after the vote. It wasn't a promise. The lawmakers then made it law that we would leave. That wasn't reneging on a promise - there was no promise in the first place. Had the referendum result been a remain victory then we'd have simply remained in. There'd have been no furore.
We'll have to disagree then .... I believe my childrens future is better off outside the EU. Hence why I voted leave.
Depends how you define catastrophe. We will survive as a nation, we survived two world wars, as a nation, but a lot of individuals didn't. I am sure there were even some people that did quite well out of the wars.
Please, not the 2 world wars soundbite again.
That's been done over and over again on here.
The fact that we got through a couple of wars and won them with the help of European and other countries around the world has got nothing to do with Brexit, we are a totally different country in every way now anyway.
And I was originally talking about a government and parliament that are at war with each other.
Also, if Brexit is stopped ( which I want) then it will be the people that turn on the politicians ( good) so which ever way you look at it we will be totally f****d.
Malta....So who were the European 'countries' helping us in World War 2?We had some refugees from countries who had surrendered to Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy,but I bet you can't name any governments supporting us,until at least 1944.
I know what happened thanks. It was an advisory referendum, but it was often claimed not to be - after the referendum John Redwood claimed in parliament that it was not advisory. He was wrong. The government argued that the referendum gave the government the power to trigger Article 50 without a further vote in parliament, and the Supreme Court ruled against them. But that's all besides the point.Go back and do your research. This referendum was declared advisory before votes were cast. Then they changed it. It’s common knowledge.
But this isn't about a maverick Lib Dem MP or the Albion. Not the same person or issue at all.......
I would say financial experts are, at best , split over the repercussions of Brexit.