A golden era for comedy, some of these duo's used to regularly pull in 15m+ viewers guffawing at their small 18 inch TV's in households up and down the country, but which were the best?

Smith & Jones.
I'm disappointed you didn't put Fry & Laurie in the poll though Crodo.
Smith & Jones.
I'm disappointed you didn't put Fry & Laurie in the poll though Crodo.
They were more 90's?
Indeed. It's Smith and Jones from crodo's list though.
Two Ronnies also conspicuous by their absence. But I guess that's part of the point..... ��
Indeed. It's Smith and Jones from crodo's list though.
Two Ronnies also conspicuous by their absence. But I guess that's part of the point..... ��
Some of their 80s stuff was absolutely brilliant.70's, they were past their best but still churning out material through musch of the 80's
I'm so old I can remember when French & Saunders were considered edgy
The Two Ronnies were terrible?I guess they're more 70s.
Also, they're terrible.
The Two Ronnies were terrible?
I must admit I was more a fan of things like The Young Ones when I was a kid and have generally preferred more edgy stuff than mainstream comedy. But to brush off all of the Two Ronnies' stuff as terrible is just plain wrong. Some of it was genius.
Yeah comedy is even more subjective than music.Yes, obviously it's my opinion, but I've never found any of their stuff funny. You could see the jokes coming from a mile away. It was before my time though, as I was born in the 80s, so I've always been comparing it to more modern stuff. I did enjoy the piss take "Two Ninnies" sketch which Not The Nine O'Clock News did.
Ronnie Barker on his own was quite amusing. Ronnie Corbett was just irritating (with the exception of his appearance on Extras).