Just so I can keep up with all this ... are female to male Trans Sexuals guilty of sexual appropriation?

Just so I can keep up with all this ... are female to male Trans Sexuals guilty of sexual appropriation?
Well probably, but I don't remember it, and don't know the lyrics.I bet you have.
See what really p!$$e$ me off is all these Indian Restaurant's selling Balti Curries. It ain't Indian, it's English , from Brumingham. Damn cheek if you ask me.....
No...... That was Bruce Wayne!
its not really, its a logical consequence of the objection. we want more multiculturalism, more integration, but when someone embraces a culture and integrates with it, they are accused of the new heinous crime of "cultural appropriation".
which is it to be, integrate or keep cultures in separate boxes?
Is everyone purposefully missing the point? Of course he can do what he wants, but his 'jerk' isn't a jerk at all.
It's a good job nobody gives a flying what you think then isn't it BushyYou moan on and on and on about being a minority in your own country and all this other nonsense but really it's just the case that no one cares about your ignorant and ill-thought-through opinions.
ah , the public scbool pr1ck is back , still got that chip on your shoulder posh boy ?
No, that was Shaun Ryder.
So, if 10cc had recorded Dreadlock Holiday today would they have been charged with cultural appropriation?
This is true so I think the argument should be about misleading marketing, not cultural appropriation.
I If it were Cheddar cheese made in a warehouse in Faversham, or Champagne fermented in Lewes, however then you'd have the EC all over you for violation of the 'protected geographical status' rules.
This is a load of nonsense and the kind of stuff 'right on' white folks get wrapped around the axles about. Surely the point of multiculturalism is that it's for everyone? If Levi Roots cooked a roast dinner, who's going to argue that it's not the same as one you'd get in the home counties.
Jamie Oliver may not be everyone's cup of infused herbal tea, but at least he tries to get across the importance of good fresh food in a country obsessed with the sugary, calorie laden gak of a 'cheeky Maccy D' s.
Except on this occasion the complainant is black. I looked her up. Apparently she was one of the 'patronizing' nominees of Corbyn in his first leadershit election victory despite being a Burnham supporter. Later she has come out as a Corbyn supporter. Before she discovered cultural appropriation she was a big promoter of her own skin colour, launching the cross-party parliamentary group, the Parliamentary Black Caucus, concerned with ethnic minority issues. Honestly, if I started advocating a special part of NSC for white people or accusing black football supporters who join NSC of cultural appropriation I would rightly be branded a racist idiot.