Well i think it's wonderful , whoever the lucky child is , they can be sure of a terrific set of abs .
That’s the first opinion page by Littlejohn I’ve read in years and surprisingly I agreed with much of which he wrote!
My only criticism of the article is the lingering feeling I have that had the subject been a mixed gender couple who were paying a surrogate mother to bear a child for them then it would never have been written - certainly not in such great length.
Littlejohn said:I still cling to the belief that children benefit most from being brought up by a man and a woman.
I still cling to the belief that children benefit most from being brought up by an ideal man and an ideal woman. On that basis I think that 99.9%+ of people shouldn't raise children.
His opinion is fundamentally and logically flawed.
My opinion as well and not really flawed at all. Comparing like with like as regards parental abilities and attributes I believe that children benefit more, (or if you like suffer less), from being brought up by a man and a woman.
If you want to put every individual through an assessment program similar to the one prospective adoptive parents go through, (as described earlier), then that is a totally different argument.
I guess you could be of the opinion that the ideal familial setup includes a perfect male and a perfect female as parents who are able to naturally conceive. That may be the case, I don't know if it is and I suspect it couldn't be proved or disproved.
However if you are then of the opinion that two same sex people shouldn't adopt or raise children (I don't know if you are?) because they don't meet that ideal, then you either apply the same logic to apply to everyone (i.e. only ideal men and women who can naturally conceive should raise children), or if not you are differentiating between people solely on the basis of their sexuality.
Cristiano Ronaldo is a very talented footballer, he is also a ****.
You meanwhile, are just a ****![]()
Vegans ?
As someone who was successfully raised by an amazing single parent, spare me the every child needs a mother and father bollocks, it is quite frankly offensive.
It may be your opinion, but it is categorically wrong and whether intentionally or not it cast aspersions on those not brought up in the "traditional family unit".
If you do not like being called out for a bigoted opinion then think before you speak.
And as someone who just about survived growing up in a really horrible and abusive environment with a mother/father and then a mother/stepfather, I can confirm that the traditional family unit sometimes isn't all it's cracked up to be.
It really doesn't matter who brings a child up as long as they show them love and give them a happy, safe childhood. The rest is all mere detail.
No idea as don't know any that I know of. I know a few vegetarians and we get on fine.
I really don’t see what sexuality has to do with the subject at all - I’ve only ever mentioned gender.
I have nothing at all against any individual, no matter what relationship they may or may not be in, fostering, adopting or conceiving children based on their gender.
I do believe though that in general children with mixed gender parents have an advantage over those whose parents are the same gender, whether that be single parents or same gender couples. Of course that doesn’t mean that in individual cases single parents or same gender couples wouldn’t offer a child better opportunities.
What do you base your general beliefs on? That assumption can only be made when there is enough evidence from both spectrums to support the theory, and yet same-sex parents in any kind of number is still as a relatively new phenomenon, and therefore it cannot be an evidence-based belief. You may not have mentioned sexuality as a cause for your belief - so what else is there to consider?
Well i think it's wonderful , whoever the lucky child is , they can be sure of a terrific set of abs .
Well dressed too.
Top, top post. I wish you and your family all the very best.
I have two sets of friends who have adopted - both went through a nightmare selection process too. It seems as though that’s a common experience. I was the employer of on of them and the local authority interviewed me face to face for an hour on my thoughts as to the suitability of my employee as a prospective adoptive parent. Some of the questions were, frankly, unbelievably intrusive.
Adopting is absolutely not the easy process that those who have no experience of it think it is. It takes a massive toll on the parents, and subjects the child to, typically, two years more of uncertainty about where they’re going to live and who their parents will be. It’s a very flawed system. Safeguards have to be in place, obviously, but so does consideration for the child’s long term mental health.
Back to the point in hand:-
Again for me it's easy to work out how I feel about a particular story.
If Littlejohn & The Daily Mail are prepared to do a full page against something...
...I clearly agree with the opposite opinion.
The British Olympic diver and his husband Dustin Lance Black shared the news on social media.
There is no way gay people should be permitted to have children by whatever bizarre means they acquire them. The incontrovertible fact is that it takes a male and a female to produce babies. If you don't wish to participate in that activity because you prefer your own sex, then hard bloody luck. Guess what? No babies. Can't have it both ways. Heterosexual ... OK you can have kids. Homosexual ... sorry, you can't.
And the guy isn't his "husband", he's his gay partner.
And as someone who just about survived growing up in a really horrible and abusive environment with a mother/father and then a mother/stepfather, I can confirm that the traditional family unit sometimes isn't all it's cracked up to be.
It really doesn't matter who brings a child up as long as they show them love and give them a happy, safe childhood. The rest is all mere detail.
Why is this news? Gay couple decide to have kids.
No different to straight couple.
He is no superstar, why are we so, so called celebrity, obsessed in the UK.