It did have the grand total of £5 in it last week but that seems to have been withdrawn now.
Wont be long before young Useless starts copying the locals and you just know will end in tears
Now, I concede that I may be being really dense, but how do we know that is the same guy? (I haven;t watched the video as I already get comments for being a Brighton fan at work and a half naked guy in water won't help!)
£800. For a self published book about bamboo. And an online course in bamboo. Online? How does that work? For 6 months? You learn to make things out of bamboo, online, for 6 months? I presume you have to provide your own materials.
The world grows a little madder each day.
Ah thank you!
So it appears that the two of them are just trying to get thousands upon thousands of pounds from people so that they have to do very little for themselves.
I hope they fail and fail incredibly badly. I know they will have got a horrible backlash from this and I usually feel bad for people that do after such a thing, but this is all their own making and I just don't care how bad the backlash is. If that makes me a bad person then so be it!
£255 - never has a monetary amount made me smirk so much! And that figure comes after a national TV appeal...
£255 - never has a monetary amount made me smirk so much! And that figure comes after a national TV appeal...
Still some way away from their target... COME ON PEOPLE DIG DEEP!
Shame that the comments section has been disabled