Shouldn't there be a way to register one vote against the petition?
Shouldn't there be a way to register one vote against the petition?
To be replaced by Boris, Gove, IDS?
What a very sad day for this country.
I had no idea that the majority of this country were so stupid, ignorant and racist to allow this to happen, it is going to be a disaster.
Farage lording it up this morning is making me want to puke.
The only people that think we are a great country are the British, to the rest we are a laughing stock, a small blip of an island that now holds no credibility in the world anymore, if anyone thinks we can just go waltzing into countries around the world demanding trade deals they are very much mistaken.
The referendum should never have been held, the British have proved they are far too thick to make the correct decision.
Half population morons
It staggers me to hear the racist card still continually trotted out by ignorant people in the media this morning. I voted out because we simply don't have the infrastructure to support the influx of the equivalent of 4 Wembley Stadiums NET worth of people each year. We don't have the homes, hospitals, schools, doctors, transport systems and even jobs to support that. It is completely unsustainable. That in no way, shape or form makes me a racist. I fully believe anyone facing genuine persecution in their countries should be welcomed as any decent human being would.
The 'deal' that Cameon brokered with the EU a couple of months ago was an absolute joke.
The EU needs serious reform and other countries will undoubtedly follow our lead until this happens. Perhaps they'll finally listen.
It does make a bit of sense. I know this is democracy in full action, and as a remainer, I am not got going to go against the vote, nor do I advocate a second vote.
HOWEVER, I do find it odd that the country is going to plough ahead with such a monumental action when 48% of the voting nation have said they do not want it. And yes, I would be saying the same had the vote been the other way.
"The Poles can **** off"
Could, be, worse
Repeal universal suffrage
Nigel Farage: £350 million pledge to fund the NHS was 'a mistake'
How many people formed their opinion on the basis of the £350m a week lie?
Either way the vote went, they are all full of shyte, so business as usual and no real change fundamentally.