Seemly it is all the fault of the UK Government for allowing HER son out of the country on a minor's passport! So there you go. That is the sort of logic we are going to hVe to face in the future.
" my son went out to kill people, but it's your fault for not stopping him at the passport gate"
I suppose the next call is to lawyers 4 you to get some sort of compensation!
I know it is sad that a mother has lost her son, although she doesn't appear grief stricken, but you wonder if he had come back, how he would assimilate back into OUR society.
More accurately;
'Khadijah Kamara said she was so unhappy about his actions that she almost came close to disowning him. “He called me in February, he said: “Mum, I’m in Syria.” I hung up. He rang again and I said: “Don’t ever call me.” But she was persuaded by the police and others to continue to try to talk her son via the internet. He left the UK by stealing his 15-year-old brother’s passport from her bag, and his mother said she could not understand why he was not stopped. “They do not even resemble each other,” she said.'
'Khadijah Kamara, the dead man’s mother, who runs a charity to help victims of war from Sierra Leone, said she knew her eldest son was going to die when she discovered where he was. “I cried when I could not do anything about it. I cried then. What’s left to cry now? He’s gone. I have three other boys, I have to be strong for them.”'
'She said she was stunned by how fast her son had been radicalised. “It all happened so fast. He was just a normal boy, going to school, playing football. He wasn’t disrespectful. He just met the wrong people.”
She said that others in the community – including the imam at Brighton’s al-Medina mosque – tried to talk to him about his increasingly radical views to no avail. He left the mosque, she said, because he felt they were “picking on him”.'