Cotton Socks
Skint Supporter
- Feb 20, 2017
- 2,347
Oi, I like Coldplay!!!This was a great gig however on a personal note as soon as Carry On Up The Charts was released the whole dynamic of the audience changed, after that it was like going to watch Coldplay or someone shit like that.

I bought a T-Shirt from the Beautiful South gig that said Northern Scum on the front (I think it was that gig, I may have seen them again), I thought it would be a great idea to wear it to a party in Skelmersdale. I spent most of the night explaining & showing people the back that said Beautiful South in small letters at the top. Loved that T-Shirt, no idea what I was doing at a party in Skem though.

I couldn't tell you anything about audience dynamics, I just tend to get into my own little bubble & don't notice stuff like that!