Isnt that a bit pointless? Why should you have to turn up somewhere to fill in the "I dont give a shit / leave me alone" option rather than just not turn up at all?
If voter turnout is low then the issues making it the case should be adressed rather than trying to change it by force.
Voting should be online. For people not online and unable to physically attend somewhere to vote, they could be visited by someone with a smart phone so they can vote. All ballots at work are online and doable using a phone. Even I can do it, and I'm a silly old ****. In a few years time there will be nobody disenfranchised, except those determined to hide. And they will receive . . . . a fine.
Unfortunately in our present system, winning parties love a low turnout because the low turnout clearly helped them win, so issues making a low turnout the case will never be addressed.
And if you give people the freedom to disengage then about a third will disengage.
I have been sat in an external examiner's meeting this afternoon (online). In the three universities I have dealings with currently, all have experienced a marks 'tail' with maybe a third of students getting marks well below what was expected. We gave them the option to do most of their lectures online this year (which amounts to an option to disengage completely if they so wished) and the law of thirds shows us this probably resulted in them doing badly.
I like a bit of coercion, but you don't. So it goes.