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The NSC annual ghostwatch...halloween

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
It falls to me to start our annual Ghost thread...nights drawing in...the candle flickers..

My personal favourites from previous years...

The bloke who's brother bought a second hand jag and looked in the rear view to see an old bloke in a tan coat "slide across the back seat" nearly causing him to crash in shock...

The one from Ozmike where a phantom jogger appeared and asked him the time before vanishing...Stamner Park I recall.

Good old shockers.

I'll start us off this year...

I used to live in a house in Birkenhaed that was a post war build on the site of a row of large Victorian houses which had been flattened by the Luftwaffe trying for the Cammell-Laird shipyards.

I lived there for years and it always had a peculiar feel. My sister, mum and I would often spot someone looking over the bannister from the corner of our eyes, we would often call out as we thought it was one or other of us up there...needless to say there was never anyone up there to answer.

Things "came to a head around September of 1989 when I started to hear breathing in my room, I would lie awake terrified listening to this mans deep breathing in the middle of the night. We had a lodger at this time who announced one day that he was off after seeing a fair haired man standing next to his bed and nearly s**ting himself when the guy turned and disappeared.

Clocks would regularly reset ( even digital ones) to 2 o'clock and my girlfriend at the time refused to stay over after she saw someone through the frosted front door glass (she was banging thinking it was me) only for me to walk down the street straight guessed it the place was empty when we checked.

Even my arch skeptic best mate nearly threw a fit when he saw an old man in a dressing gown crawl silently past the spare bedroom door one night.

I left there in 89 and have never felt the urge to return.

Sleep tight NSC....mwah ha ha ha


New member
Jan 3, 2007
That's quite a ghastly story, not pleasent. I lived in a very, very old house in Dorking some years ago. Similat experiences. People being seen in windows of the house, even when no-one was at home, I had a figure try and hold me down on my bed one late afternoon as I was taking a nap. The dogs used to stand and growl and bark at one corner of one particular room and when upstairs (4 floors and you could still hear it) the huge solid oak front door would open and close and a few seconds later the back door would do same. That house had a very malevolent feel to it, we left it ten years ago and never been back.

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
That's quite a ghastly story, not pleasent. I lived in a very, very old house in Dorking some years ago. Similat experiences. People being seen in windows of the house, even when no-one was at home, I had a figure try and hold me down on my bed one late afternoon as I was taking a nap. The dogs used to stand and growl and bark at one corner of one particular room and when upstairs (4 floors and you could still hear it) the huge solid oak front door would open and close and a few seconds later the back door would do same. That house had a very malevolent feel to it, we left it ten years ago and never been back.

Ooh..good one. Odd looking back on all of this now. It was so damned weird but because you live there you almost don't want to acknowledge the high strangeness of it all. I was talking about this with my sister recently, she is still terrified of the memories.

I also once worked in a place called Baynards manor near Horsham. It belonged to the sister of Sir Thomas Moore. She retrieved his head from its spike on London Bridge following his execution and returned it to Baynards. This place reeked of history and was owned by a very rich old boy. He had owned tea plantations in Burma and had tigers and antelopes heads mounted all over the place.

I was there for a week during which time I worked with a girl. Over that week we experienced:

Washing machine turning itself on in the middle of the night
Hearing horses hooves in an enclosed courtyard (nighttime)
Pebbles hitting skylights (daytime)
Smell of rosewater (daytime) very very strong smell seemed to come on a warm breeze.
Someone banging on a massive oak door in rear of property. This had been an outside access door but was now inside due to extension. (nighttime)

The couple we handed over to at the end of our week had similar experiences after we left we subsequently discovered.

Years later I picked up a book called (I think) haunted Sussex by Judy Middleton. This place had its own f***ing CHAPTER. These events were not unique to us it seems.


Jan 17, 2009
A friend of mine has 'trained' his 3 year old to point into empty rooms when visiting friends and say 'Daddy, why is that little girl looking so sad'?

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
A friend of mine has 'trained' his 3 year old to point into empty rooms when visiting friends and say 'Daddy, why is that little girl looking so sad'?

Top freaking by your mate. I have a four year old that I will start in training tomorrow.

Cheeky Monkey

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2003
The Star House, Homefield Road, Seaford. Even in broad daylight that Grade II listed house is one spooky place. A smuggler's tunnel used to run from it underneath the road to St Peter's Church on Blatchington Hill and rumour has it that smuggler's were sealed in the tunnel alive after being discovered carrying out their dastardly work centuries ago.

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
The Park View has/had a resident ghost. The landlord was a guy called Jim Liddle and he and his family had a whole series of mad events going on there.

One night his Mrs. was unable to open the door to one of the bedrooms because something had pushed a heavy wardrobe accross the door from the inside, they kept finding cigar butts in a sink in their flat when no-one smoked in their family and his mum reported being nearly pushed down the stairs by something unseen.

Tricky Dicky

New member
Jul 27, 2004
Sunny Shoreham
A friend of mine has 'trained' his 3 year old to point into empty rooms when visiting friends and say 'Daddy, why is that little girl looking so sad'?

That is brilliant. Anyone who "seriously" claims to see these things should be barred from using sharp knives.

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
That is brilliant. Anyone who "seriously" claims to see these things should be barred from using sharp knives.

The normal rational people who report these events might disagree with you there. In my experience the events, when they occur, are extremely bizarre and sometimes made even more freaky because they are so mundane. The clock thing, the resetting of the clocks in my old house in Birkenhead, was genuinely unsettling, more so than you can imagine. when you find all the clocks in the house reset to 2 oclock, even the digital one next to your bed it tends to freak you out.

Lady Whistledown

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
A friend of mine has 'trained' his 3 year old to point into empty rooms when visiting friends and say 'Daddy, why is that little girl looking so sad'?



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2003
Thames Ditton
I personally do not believe it ghosts but as a kid in 2 particular houses we did experience several mad and unexplainable things...

House 1)

1) I was about 4 years old and my mum and dad were downstairs watching tv. I shouted out to my mum who came upstairs. I then handed her an amazing painting (still wet of a horse) and when she asked who did this i pointed to the corner of the room and said him.... to this day they can’t explain where this amazingly freshly painted horse came from.

2) In the same house, cats would hiss and we would regularly hear walking upstairs. My mum was so paranoid she actually called in a vicar and apparently there was a ghost of a little boy and the vicar said i would have been possessed if it wasn’t dealt with... (bollox I’m sure) but when we sold the house 6 months later the new owners contacted my mum and asked if there was anything odd about the house. My mum said no... the new owners then went on to tell us more spooky stories including one about how her husband was physically thrown out of bed.

House 2)

1) This room (very cliché) but the back room of this house was always cold and always felt like there was a presence. Anyway my mum came home one day to find the bedding of this particular back room missing. There was no explanation so she just replaced it. We were bad kids so she just assumed we had hidden it. Anyway a few years later the bedding was found right in the corner of the loft, lodged between the eves. There wasn’t any way this could have been put there by a person and there was no flooring and it is all fibre glass.

2) On one occasion the bathroom door was bolted from the inside and we had to get a ladder go through the window and unlock it (no one was in the bathroom)

3) Me and my brother were upstairs in our bedroom when we heard the familiar noise of the front door opening, someone walking on the wooden hallway floor and the cupboard under the stairs open and then the sound of someone throwing their shoes in. We ran down stairs to say hi (assuming it was our mum coming home from lunch) but there wasn’t anyone there. We thought she must have come home at lunch, dropped the shopping off and headed back to work. We called her later that afternoon and ask her why she didn’t say hello and then go back to work. She told us she hadn’t even been home?!?!

4) Me and brother were having an argument upstairs in our bedroom and he just went quiet and was short for breath. He started to bang his foot on the floor and my mum ran upstairs. He then said there was a little girl sitting on the top step of the staircase looking at him through the banisters

All these instances happened when i was a child...

The final experience i had was when i was 17 and home alone. It was a 3 story house and my bedroom was on the third floor. Anyway my friend rang on the front door (i was sitting downstairs in the lounge which was a 5 second walk to the front door) so got up and answered the door . My friend then said “how did you answer the door so quickly” i was like “what are you on about” she then continued to say how she had just seen me looking out of my bedroom window and she waved to me” !?!?!? that freaked the shit out me...

I personally will not believe anything until i see a ghost. My dad is a very rational and a non believer and yet he can’t explain a lot of stuff. My mum is a believer and it still shocked her some stuff.

There was other little things but I’m sure i have already posted enough



Soup! Why didn’t I get any Soup?
Feb 1, 2011
Probably working!
The normal rational people who report these events might disagree with you there. In my experience the events, when they occur, are extremely bizarre and sometimes made even more freaky because they are so mundane. The clock thing, the resetting of the clocks in my old house in Birkenhead, was genuinely unsettling, more so than you can imagine. when you find all the clocks in the house reset to 2 oclock, even the digital one next to your bed it tends to freak you out.

Where is jonathan Creek when you need him?

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
I personally do not believe it ghosts but as a kid in 2 particular houses we did experience several mad and unexplainable things...

House 1)

1) I was about 4 years old and my mum and dad were downstairs watching tv. I shouted out to my mum who came upstairs. I then handed her an amazing painting (still wet of a horse) and when she asked who did this i pointed to the corner of the room and said him.... to this day they can’t explain where this amazingly freshly painted horse came from.

2) In the same house, cats would hiss and we would regularly hear walking upstairs. My mum was so paranoid she actually called in a vicar and apparently there was a ghost of a little boy and the vicar said i would have been possessed if it wasn’t dealt with... (bollox I’m sure) but when we sold the house 6 months later the new owners contacted my mum and asked if there was anything odd about the house. My mum said no... the new owners then went on to tell us more spooky stories including one about how her husband was physically thrown out of bed.

House 2)

1) This room (very cliché) but the back room of this house was always cold and always felt like there was a presence. Anyway my mum came home one day to find the bedding of this particular back room missing. There was no explanation so she just replaced it. We were bad kids so she just assumed we had hidden it. Anyway a few years later the bedding was found right in the corner of the loft, lodged between the eves. There wasn’t any way this could have been put there by a person and there was no flooring and it is all fibre glass.

2) On one occasion the bathroom door was bolted from the inside and we had to get a ladder go through the window and unlock it (no one was in the bathroom)

3) Me and my brother were upstairs in our bedroom when we heard the familiar noise of the front door opening, someone walking on the wooden hallway floor and the cupboard under the stairs open and then the sound of someone throwing their shoes in. We ran down stairs to say hi (assuming it was our mum coming home from lunch) but there wasn’t anyone there. We thought she must have come home at lunch, dropped the shopping off and headed back to work. We called her later that afternoon and ask her why she didn’t say hello and then go back to work. She told us she hadn’t even been home?!?!

4) Me and brother were having an argument upstairs in our bedroom and he just went quiet and was short for breath. He started to bang his foot on the floor and my mum ran upstairs. He then said there was a little girl sitting on the top step of the staircase looking at him through the banisters

All these instances happened when i was a child...

The final experience i had was when i was 17 and home alone. It was a 3 story house and my bedroom was on the third floor. Anyway my friend rang on the front door (i was sitting downstairs in the lounge which was a 5 second walk to the front door) so got up and answered the door . My friend then said “how did you answer the door so quickly” i was like “what are you on about” she then continued to say how she had just seen me looking out of my bedroom window and she waved to me” !?!?!? that freaked the shit out me...

I personally will not believe anything until i see a ghost. My dad is a very rational and a non believer and yet he can’t explain a lot of stuff. My mum is a believer and it still shocked her some stuff.

There was other little things but I’m sure i have already posted enough


Thats what I mean. The bizarre thing is that all of these events (the bedclothes being a good example), are made more eerie because of the sheer banality. The instance you describe with someone seeing someone in an upstairs window happened fairly regularly in Birkenhead too. The painting...great stuff...obviously you COULD have done it yourself in a trance or something, but its still damn peculiar and feels truer because of that.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
Perth Australia
When I was young we used to live in a 4 bedroom house in Moulsecoomb as we had a large family.
The house opposite was occupied by a family with the surname Smith.
The gran who lived there was old and we called her Granny Smith.
One Sunday afternoon I was watching The Big Match on TV when an older sister, who was doing homework in her room upstairs,
came down and said "Granny Smith has died".
We all turned to look at her and asked, "how do you know?"
She replied that she had just seen her come through the outside wall and pass through the ceiling.
We all started laughing and making fun just to be interupted by ambulance outside.
We looked out of the window to see a covered up body being brought out of the Smith household.
She had indeed died.
True story.

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
There's an Oxymoron for you.

Thats pretty lazy fella. Even if you are a skeptic then the rational thing to do is to accept that, just because you may never experienced something yourself, that others may have and that there may be a logical explanation for it. To assume that the reporter is lying or mental is poor thinking.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
Perth Australia
I was 11 years old when my grandfarther died.
We went to his funeral in Hove Cemetery.
I shared a room with my twin brother at that time and later that night I was woken up by voices.
I listened for a bit and then leaned out to see my brother leaning out from his top bunk and talking through the window to something.
I asked him who he was talking to.
he said it was grandad outside the window and that he had said that everything was alright.
I looked out to see and there was no one there and we were on the first floor.
I would have put this down to the events of that day, but I do remember that when I woke up and listen for a bit I did hear a two voices so when my brother spoke he got a response.:eek:
Another true story.

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