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Inquiry Day 22 - Friday 15 April

The Oldman

I like the Hat
NSC Patron
Jul 12, 2003
In the shadow of Seaford Head
Inquiry Day 22 Friday April 15

So there we all were at 9.30am ready to hear the concluding submission on behalf of the Regency Society of Brighton and Hove. Problem was, no Miss Hazel McKay to present the submission. Inspector not best pleased. They had been trying to contact her but only got an answer phone.

Never mind, the redoubtable Miss McPherson for the City Council popped up with some housekeeping matters. Would The Inspector ensure that she had time to take into account points raised by the Opposition before she gave her closing submission? Could she at least see a copy of their speeches on say the 4th May, Miss McPherson and Mr Clay being due to give theirs on the 5th? Otherwise there may have to be an adjournment to allow such time. The Inspector wishing to be even handed thought that was OK as long as every one exchanged their notes. Our Mr Clay was not happy with that. Apparently, it is the Procedure in planning appeals that the applicants (i.e. us and the City Council) do have the last word and the opportunity to take into account what the opponents have put forward in their submissions. So the Inspector wisely said he would think things over as he was anxious that no further adjournment happened.

By this time it was nearing 10 o’clock and in flounces the Hazel McKay saying she thought it all started at 10 but had been trying to check with Inspector’s Office but there was no reply. Inspector was not a happy bunny again.

At last we were ready for the main item of business. Miss McKay read out her submission taking about 30 minutes. During this there were frequent back stage whispers of “rubbish” or such similar words from the ranks of the Albion supporters. One even had to leave as he could not take it. You know who you are, Sir! Also I noted frequent shaking of heads and or laughter from Martin Perry, Jonathan Clay and at times, the City Council backroom team appeared to be desperately trying not to laugh out loud.

So, what did she say I hear you ask? Well, I do not want to steal the thunder of Lord B or Shoreham Gull or tonight’s Argus but in essence it was the same old stuff.

a)Falmer is a beautiful Village (“fine example of a traditional Sussex Village”)

b)A Stadium at Falmer would despoil an area of outstanding natural beauty

c)2 alternative sites are far more suitable. Sheepcote Valley and Shoreham Harbour

d)Withdean is the fall back with 14,000 seats

e)Costs should not be the driving force for this planning decision

f)The survival of the club is not assured. If a new stadium was built what would happen if the club folded or “fall out of the league” The Albion was likened to MG Rover!

g)The club’s claim that Falmer is best for sustainable transport is wrong. Particularly at fault is the concept of running special football trains from Brighton Station to Falmer. No one will use them as no football supporter is going to get off a bus at Churchill Square and walk up Queen’s Road. (This from the lady who previously said we would all be happy to walk from Sackville Road to Sheepcote Valley!)

h)The City Council is a disgrace

i)“Tough Love” is required to deliver sustainable development.
(No, I dont know either.)

There it is then. 3 lady supporters behind me nearly had to be restrained from rushing up and giving Hazel a good old slap! “What Lark’s” as Joe Gargery from Great Expectations would say.

The Inspector reminded us that we meet again on 4 and 5 of May at the Brighton Centre at and that was it. Let out school early on a Friday. Cannot be bad.

One final note which I hope I do not learn to regret. This Inspector has been most diligent, patient and fair with all who have presented cases at the Inquiry. We know he has visited all the sites and walked various routes to the suggested locations. How he sees things who knows. But I cannot fault the manner in which he managed the hearings.

That’s it until May folks
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hans kraay fan club

The voice of reason.
Helpful Moderator
Mar 16, 2005
Chandlers Ford
Re: Inquiry Day22 April15

Gaffer said:
So there we all were at 9.30am ready to hear the concluding submission on behalf of the Regency Society of Brighton and Hove. Problem was, no Miss Hazel McKay to present the submission. Inspector not best pleased. They had been trying to contact her but only got an answer phone.

Never mind, the redoubtable Miss McPherson for the City Council popped up with some housekeeping matters. Would The Inspector ensure that she had time to take into account points raised by the Opposition before she gave her closing submission? Could she at least see a copy of their speeches on say the 4th May, Miss McPherson and Mr Clay being due to give theirs on the 5th? Otherwise there may have to be an adjournment to allow such time. The Inspector wishing to be even handed thought that was OK as long as every one exchanged their notes. Our Mr Clay was not happy with that. Apparently, it is the Procedure in planning appeals that the applicants (i.e. us and the City Council) do have the last word and the opportunity to take into account what the opponents have put forward in their submissions. So the Inspector wisely said he would think things over as he was anxious that no further adjournment happened.

By this time it was nearing 10 o’clock and in flounces the Hazel McKay saying she thought it all started at 10 but had been trying to check with Inspector’s Office but there was no reply. Inspector was not a happy bunny again.

At last we were ready for the main item of business. Miss McKay read out her submission taking about 30 minutes. During this there were frequent back stage whispers of “rubbish” or such similar words from the ranks of the Albion supporters.
One even had to leave as he could not take it You know who you are, Sir! Also I noted frequent shaking of heads and or laughter from Martin Perry, Jonathan Clay and at times, the City Council backroom team appeared to be desperately trying not to laugh out loud.

So, what did she say I hear you ask? Well, I do not want to steal the thunder of Lord B or Shoreham Gull or tonight’s Argus but in essence it was the same old stuff.

a)Falmer is a beautiful Village (“fine example of a traditional Sussex Village”)

b)A Stadium at Falmer would despoil an area of outstanding natural beauty

c)2 alternative sites are far more suitable. Sheepcote Valley and Shoreham Harbour

d)Withdean is the fall back with 14,000 seats

e)Costs should not be the driving force for this planning decision

f)The survival of the club is not assured. If a new stadium was built what would happen if the club folded or “fall out of the league” The Albion was likened to MG Rover!

g)The club’s claim that Falmer is best for sustainable transport is wrong. Particularly at fault is the concept of running special football trains from Brighton Station to Falmer. No one will use them as no football supporter is going to get off a bus at Churchill Square and walk up Queen’s Road. (This from the lady who previously said we would all be happy to walk from Sackville Road to Sheepcote Valley!)

h)The City Council is a disgrace

i)“Tough Love” is required to deliver sustainable development.
(No, I dont know either.)

There, it is then. 3 lady supporters behind me nearly had to be restrained from rushing up and giving Hazel a good old slap! “What Lark’s” as Barkus from David Copperfield would say.

The Inspector reminded us that we meet again on 5 and 6 of May at the Brighton Centre at and that was it. Let out school early on a Friday. Cannot be bad.

One final note which I hope I do not learn to regret. This Inspector has been most diligent, patient and fair with all who have presented cases at the Inquiry. We know he has visited all the sites and walked various routes to the suggested locations. How he sees things who knows. But I cannot fault the manner in which he managed the hearings.

That’s it until May, folks

I have never seen Hazel, but I have a mental image of one of the Little Britain 'laydeez'. :p


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Excellent summary Gaffer. I regret having missed Hazel now, she sounds like a great comedy routine.

<pedant alert>"What larks" was said by Joe Gargery in Great Expectations. Barkis said "Barkis is willing".
</pedant alert>

The Oldman

I like the Hat
NSC Patron
Jul 12, 2003
In the shadow of Seaford Head
Gwylan said:
Excellent summary Gaffer. I regret having missed Hazel now, she sounds like a great comedy routine.

<pedant alert>"What larks" was said by Joe Gargery in Great Expectations. Barkis said "Barkis is willing".
</pedant alert>

Indeed you are right Sir. Just shows what being let out of school early does to the brain! I shall amend forthwith.
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Re: Inquiry Day 22 Friday April 15

Gaffer said:
The Inspector reminded us that we meet again on 5 and 6 of May at the Brighton Centre at
I think you've caught a touch of McKay Timekeeping Syndrome.


The Inquiry resumes at 10am on Wednesday 4 May in the West Wing of the Brighton Centre.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2003
The Regency Society should stick matters concerning the "Regency" area of Brighton. What Falmer, Sheepcote, THV, Shoreham Harbour have to do with "a Regency Society" is beyond me:glare:

Oh, and Ms McKay used to walk from Churchill Square to Brighton Station 5 days a week to catch a train to Lewes. It is a 10 min walk at the very most. Hardly a trek across the Himalaya's!

The Oldman

I like the Hat
NSC Patron
Jul 12, 2003
In the shadow of Seaford Head
Re: Re: Inquiry Day 22 Friday April 15

Lord Bracknell said:
I think you've caught a touch of McKay Timekeeping Syndrome.


The Inquiry resumes at 10am on Wednesday 4 May in the West Wing of the Brighton Centre.

Indeed Lord B. This getting out of school early is playing havoc with my thought processes. Too much time for caffeine in Brighton's coffee bars!

Informative and entertaining, cheers Gaffer:clap: :clap:


Registered Cider Drinker
Apr 21, 2004
Cider Country
Re: Inquiry Day 22 Friday April 15

a)Falmer is a beautiful Village (“fine example of a traditional Sussex Village”)

It's ok as villages go but WE'RE NOT BUILDING IT IN THE VILLAGE.

b)A Stadium at Falmer would despoil an area of outstanding natural beauty

More than a 6 lane stretch of dual carriageway, the main south coast railway line and two hideously ugly university campus'.

c)2 alternative sites are far more suitable. Sheepcote Valley and Shoreham Harbour

No they're not.

d)Withdean is the fall back with 14,000 seats

Even though we've been struggling for 2 years to get 9000 seats?

e)Costs should not be the driving force for this planning decision

Erm, ok. So the club isn't a business and shouldn't look for the most financially viable option?

f)The survival of the club is not assured. If a new stadium was built what would happen if the club folded or “fall out of the league” The Albion was likened to MG Rover!

NOT IF WE TAKE YOUR POINT E INTO ACCOUNT, NO. Fucks sake, are we going round in f***ing circles or what?

g)The club’s claim that Falmer is best for sustainable transport is wrong. Particularly at fault is the concept of running special football trains from Brighton Station to Falmer. No one will use them as no football supporter is going to get off a bus at Churchill Square and walk up Queen’s Road. (This from the lady who previously said we would all be happy to walk from Sackville Road to Sheepcote Valley!)

Why would you need to get off a bus at Churchill square? Plenty of people (myself included) get the train all the way there.

h)The City Council is a disgrace

Agree, but not speciffically for this planning application.

i)“Tough Love” is required to deliver sustainable development.
(No, I dont know either.)

Errr, ok. Don't really know what she's on about here.

And breathe.....

Good reporting anyway. Thanks for all of it :clap:


He's now back
Jul 6, 2003
Shoreham of course
My report will come in a slightly shorter format tonight as todays closing submission was well covered by Gaffer, Well Done mate:clap:
Also Lord B has supplied a link to a PDF format of todays paperwork, Well Done Sir:clap:
Anyway I think we all knew it was always going to be a shorter day with Ms Beatle Haircut Hazel McKay reading her closing submission "CRAP" on behalf of The Regency society.

I was the very first person to arrive today at what will possibly be my last time at the inquiry. Yes sorry folks my coverage of the inquiry and Megan reports combined maybe no more after tonight if I'm working in the first week of May.
I sat down with my coffee at about a quarter past 9 and started to read through my notes, when Mr Clay appeared through those very annoying revolving doors. Mr Clay looked suprised that there was nobody else in the room except myself, he just said "oh is this it for today, or am I early. I reassured him that he was not early and we were due to start at 9:30. I think Mr Clay was quite annoyed, because he wanted more time to probably finish the Times Crossword.
Everyone else shortly arrived and were seated, except...."Ms evil cow McKay". Where was she?, prehaps she had been abducted by Alien's, but then again I thought not. Prehaps her trusted Laptop had asked for a divorce after the way she treats it.
My final conclusion was her beatle style haircut wig had been blow into the sea, and was last seen heading for France.
Someone else from the Regency society arrived to tell everyone that Ms McKay is on her way, but would be late.
During a period where Miss McPherson, Mr Clay and the Inspector were discussing final submissions, Ms evil cow McKay arrived at about 5 to 10 looking all angry and sour faced.

Just after 10am Ms McKay + new wig were reading out with what I can just say is "What a load of Crap."
All she said was a couple of paragraphs of utter rubbish and the chap sitting in front of me sporting a sun cap jumped up from his seat, and said to me "I have heard enough, I'm off for a fag".
It made me and others laugh in which the manner he shot out of the revolving doors. He went out in such force that doors were spinning for a good 2 or 3 minutes.
When Ms Mckay was talking (out of her arse of course) all you could hear from our side was a mixture of "What? she's mad" and "Stupid Bitch" and that was just from Martin Perry.
We also had "She's mental", "What's she thinking?" mixed in with a few swear words. There were a few sniggers as well to certain pie in the sky ideas coming out of Ms McKay gob.
She went on for about half an hour, and then finally decided to zip her mouth up.
The Inspector looked quite pleased to finish the day early and completed proceeding so he can get back to his hotel to probably watch one of these very many antique/do your house up programmes.
Megan looked gorgeous once again today wearing her tightly fitted suit, she always seems to put a bright array of sunshine on the day what ever the mood in the room.
As she handed me some photocopies of Ms McKay submission I asked her whether I would she her in May or not, but I will just leave you guys guessing to the answer I got.
If or if not she is at the inquiry in May(and I am not saying anymore) I forgot to tell her that I may be absent from the last part of the inquiry, so I not sure whether I will see her again.

The inquiry ajourns again now until May the 4th for which will be located in the more modern surroundings of the Brighton Centre.
I will make every effort possible to be there for two main reasons, one because of BHAFC and the other being MH (Guess if you can?). Unfortunately my possible absense is out of my hands, because I can't go into a new job(if I get it) and asks for a holiday straight away.
I have enjoyed doing these reports and reading other supporters views on the inquiry, it's been a good education.
Oh dear, did I say I was going to do a shorter report? sorry got carried away.
Anyway Ladies and Gentleman and in betweens this is a good night from me and a good from him (whoever he is?).

SG, News at I can't tell the time anymore because of too much inquiry data, Brighton Town Hall.

p.s Good report Gaffer
:wave: :wave: :wave:
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Curious Orange

Punxsatawney Phil
Jul 5, 2003
On NSC for over two decades...
I was very amused to see the suggestions about Withdean.

1) Widen the bridge over Tongdean Lane - lets close the London to Brighton main line for a few months while this is done shall we?
2) Close the A23 on matchdays - As if it wasn't congested enough when it is open!


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