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George Bush - UK Next Week

Beach Hut

Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 5, 2003
Living In a Box
The President of the USA graces us with a visit next week.

I personally think he should feck off right now as he is not welcome.

I am far from convinced that where we are now with Iraq was worth the effort - it will cost us tax payers millions for years to come and I find USA annoying at present as well. Also not happy the Blair seems in USA's pocket at present.

The USA security forces have also requested that the London's West End is closed down at some point for his visit.

What's your view ?

Bry Nylon

Test your smoke alarm
Helpful Moderator
Jul 21, 2003
Playing snooker
I hope one of the tabloids has the bottle to headline the inevitable Downing Street handshake "Dumb & Dumber."

On a seperate but related note, I can't help but think that these political protesters have a lot to learn from us footie fans. Waving placards and the like is all well and good, but what would be great would be if the Bush motorcade had to run the gaulet of several thousand people all singing "Shit war - No weapons" or "You're Shit --- arrrggghhh" in unison etc. Much more powerful.

Or how about "Small Country near Canada , you're just a small country near Canada..."

Sorry Beach Hut, not really an intelligent reply, so; I agree. I'm convinced that Blair was convinced it was the right thing, but I'm not. He could have sealed his place in history by dragging Bush (and us) back from the brink and standing up for everything in which we believe democracy is about - using powers of persuasion and evidence (if it existed, which it doesn't look like it did) to go back to the security council for a second resolution.

I'm surprised that the UN haven't thrown the US and UK off the security council for 20 years for taking the law into their own hands.

Democracy is what we stand for and we didn't give it even lip service (gets down from soap box)

Beach Hut

Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 5, 2003
Living In a Box
I felt very awkward when watching the first air raids on CNN and have since never believed the right thing has been done.

At present all this war has produced is many innocent and needless deaths.

alan partridge

Active member
Jul 7, 2003
Linton Travel Tavern
Bry Nylon said:
I hope one of the tabloids has the bottle to headline the inevitable Downing Street handshake "Dumb & Dumber."

On a seperate but related note, I can't help but think that these political protesters have a lot to learn from us footie fans. Waving placards and the like is all well and good, but what would be great would be if the Bush motorcade had to run the gaulet of several thousand people all singing "Shit war - No weapons" or "You're Shit --- arrrggghhh" in unison etc. Much more powerful.

Or how about "Small Country near Canada , you're just a small country near Canada..."

lol:lolol: you are right though bry nylon. i had a mate who has something of the smelly pretester about him. after the march through the town to the goldstone during the dark days, i saw him and he said he'd seen the march...'they were LOUD!' he said. clearly impressed



Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
Bry Nylon said:
I hope one of the tabloids has the bottle to headline the inevitable Downing Street handshake "Dumb & Dumber."

On a seperate but related note, I can't help but think that these political protesters have a lot to learn from us footie fans. Waving placards and the like is all well and good, but what would be great would be if the Bush motorcade had to run the gaulet of several thousand people all singing "Shit war - No weapons" or "You're Shit --- arrrggghhh" in unison etc. Much more powerful.

Or how about "Small Country near Canada , you're just a small country near Canada..."


Top Quality tunes.

I've thought of a few but they're far to rude to post on here. Involves putting his missiles up his backside though. :jester:

As there is no need for Bush to be given a state visit - which are generally reserved for those we are seeking to curry favour with - this visit exists solely to boost Bush's re-election hopes. Blair's support for it suggests he actually wants Bush re-eleceted. In other words, he is not working with Bush because is the US President, but because he is a Bush supporter. That surely says all we need to know about Blair.

And, as somebody has already pointed out, the US are demanding that protests are not allowed wherever he is going. Bush and Blair bang the 'freedom' drum all the time - but the right to peaceful political protest, even in their own countries? No thanks.

Scum, the pair of 'em. Not a democratic bone in their bodies.

If I had the wings of a sparrow,
If I had the arse of a crow,
I'd fly over th'White House tomorrow,
And shit on the bastards below, BELOW

If I had the wings of a sparrow,
If I had the arse of a crow,
I'd fly over Chequers tomorrow,
And shit on the bastards below, BELOW


Jul 7, 2003
I would welcome Bush.

What are these protests really about? Leftist haters who didn't get there own way, well boo f***ing hoo. If you dont like it vote Blair out, THATS what democracy is about not a minority of rabble rousers.

We have a moral obligation to Iraq now, THATS what democracy is about. Spreading it and doing in the tyrants before they get a chance to do in democracies.

Iran will be next in 1 or 2 years.


Jul 7, 2003
If you dont like Bush do you think this guy will be better?


By Pastor Chuck Baldwin

November 11, 2003

An October 28 report in Insight magazine reminded us that the Democratic presidential candidate and now-retired four-star general, Wesley Clark, was the Army commander who used U.S. soldiers and military hardware against American civilians in the federal assault against the Branch Davidians which violated the Posse Comitatus Act and resulted in the massacre of nearly ninety lives, including old men, women, and children.

To be sure, General Clark possesses a plethora of great distinctions. He graduated first in his class at West Point. He was a Rhodes scholar, a decorated Vietnam combat veteran, a White House fellow, and Supreme Commander of NATO. However, his role at the disastrous assault of the Branch Davidians outside Waco, Texas, leaves many questions about his fitness to be entrusted with America's civil liberties.

According to Insight, "Between August 1992 and April 1994, Clark was commander of the 1st Cavalry Division of the Army's III Corps at Fort Hood, Texas. According to a report by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the list of military personnel and equipment used at Waco included: 15 active-duty military personnel, 13 Texas National Guard personnel, nine Bradley fighting vehicles, five combat-engineer vehicles, one tank-retrieval vehicle and two M1A1 Abrams tanks. Additionally, Fort Hood reportedly was used for much of the training for the bloody attack on the Davidians and their children."

The report quotes West Point graduate Joseph Mehrten Jr. as saying, "It is of critical importance that such vehicles could not have been moved for use at Waco without Clark's knowledge."

Many will excuse Clark's decision to use military personnel and hardware against American civilians as being justified by saying, "He was only following orders." Mehrten's response to that argument is, "To follow that order is to follow a blatantly illegal order of a kind every West Point officer knows is a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. Clark's obligation was to say, 'No, I'm not going to do it.'"

Mehrten continues, "Look, Clark went to the same institution I did and at West Point we had extensive instruction in military ethics and issues concerning how one avoids obeying an illegal military order. It is drilled into our heads from the earliest days as cadets that the 'I-was-just-following-orders' defense isn't necessarily a good one."

Before people elect Wesley Clark as their president, these issues need to be resolved. Why did General Clark allow U.S. military forces, including armored vehicles and tanks to be used in a massacre of American civilians? Who gave him such an order? Was it then-governor of Texas Ann Richards? Was it Janet Reno or Bill Clinton?

Other questions Clark needs to answer are: What is his understanding of the Posse Comitatus Act? Does he believe it is proper for military forces to be used against American citizens? Would he ever authorize such action?

To date, General Clark has never been called upon to answer these questions. He wasn't even asked to testify before the congressional committee investigating the circumstances at Waco. The American people need to hear his answers to these questions!

The Waco tragedy still haunts the American conscience! That nearly ninety Americans, most of whom were old people, women, and children, could be mercilessly gunned down or burned alive at the hands of U.S. military personnel and federal agents eats like a cancer at our nation's character! That General Clark may have participated in both the act and the resultant cover-up is very serious!

Michael McNulty, an investigative journalist and Oscar nominee for his documentary, "Waco: The Rules of Engagement," said, "Whatever he (General Clark) did, he at least is guilty of being a good German, following orders."

However, with the federal government's fascination with continued infringements upon the American people's rights and liberties, the last thing we need is a "good German" for president!

© 2003 Chuck Baldwin - All Rights Reserved


In London village.
looney said:
I would welcome Bush.

What are these protests really about? Leftist haters who didn't get there own way, well boo f***ing hoo. If you dont like it vote Blair out, THATS what democracy is about not a minority of rabble rousers.

We have a moral obligation to Iraq now, THATS what democracy is about. Spreading it and doing in the tyrants before they get a chance to do in democracies.

Iran will be next in 1 or 2 years.

well, among other things the protests are about Bush's violation of international law and the rape of Iraq's industry and natural resources.

Would you care to tell what democratic advances you feel Bush is promoting in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain or China ?

I have no objection in theory to the removal of Saddam from Iraq, but if it was going to be done it should have been done in 91. Instead, Bush senior let 10,000 Iraqi freedom fighters (who he promised to back) get slaughtered. There was nothing new this year which required additional action. He should not have been in power, but as he was I can see no sudden reason other than the fallout from 9/11, because Bush has been gagging for conflict ever since.

The visit of (as American Comedian Rich Hall calls him) F*ck Knuckle, is becoming a farce. The protesters are being told where they can and cannot protest - where are we living, China?

It is almost as if he is being given a heroes welcome, even though Bush has started a new Vietnam. Surely, freedom of expression etc should be permitted in this case.

On a related matter, did anyone notiice how the unelected (see Florida result) President of the USA managed to get $87 Billion to fund the Iraq crisis through Congress? He did the old 'Yey' and 'Nay', so that no-one had to officially show their colours, because they know it will go tits up! Absolute disgrace.:angry:
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Raphael Meade

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
sorry looney, but with regards to your article. all those people and vehicles may have been in the vicinity but they were not used. the fbi ended the seige at waco as it is against US law to deploy the military that close to the coast. i dont know why they were there or what they were doing but i certainly dont recall seeing an M1A1 going through the front door.

Oct 25, 2003
- george bush and his family have had business dealings with the bin ladin (including osama)family for years
- on the day of 9/11, 24 members of the bin ladin family were allowed to fly around america in a private jet provided by the CIA, with bush's blessing
- the saudi royal family inflict far worse pain and suffering on their people than the taliban or saddam hussein ever did, but of course, they are close business allies with george so no "liberation" for the people of saudi arabia
- 11 of the 15 of the 9/11 terrorists were saudi, so of course, it makes absolute sense to station all your troops in saudi arabia and bomb the f*** out of innocent people while you look for one man(coincidently on a dialisis machine) who is in fact saudi himself.


Jul 7, 2003
Raphael meade

You aint got a clue. I saw a tank go in myself, they had snipers firing from choppers as well as positioned around the compound.

all this on the day that the enquirey into Ruby ridge was going on Coincidence?


Saudia Arabia is planning Democratic reform, as for the others try to apply common sense.

Were not going to go to war with China, they would have to be

1 last

2 sanctions and insurgency opperations etc.

Bush won the election, the Democrats attempted to steal/smear it.

Why attempt legal action when you know that the final round is lost? ie Republicans controll the supreme court.

I was informing leftists of this when it blew up. I'm not a visionary it just requires a bit of thought.

Raphael Meade

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
you may have seen a tank go in but it was not a military one. the police have tank-esqu vehicles, as they do choppers and snipers.

i think you'll find it was the FBI Hostage Rescue Team.

Raphael Meade

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
sorry, my mistake. i didnt mean to say 'think'. it WAS the FBI hostage rescue team that ended the seige. most probably some ATF (alcohol, tobacco and firearms) agents in there as well as that is how the seige started. (a number - not sure how many - were killed trying to enter the compund)

Highfields Seagull

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
Bullock Smithy
looney said:
I would welcome Bush.

What are these protests really about? Leftist haters who didn't get there own way, well boo f***ing hoo. If you dont like it vote Blair out, THATS what democracy is about not a minority of rabble rousers.

We have a moral obligation to Iraq now, THATS what democracy is about. Spreading it and doing in the tyrants before they get a chance to do in democracies.

Iran will be next in 1 or 2 years.

You seem to have a very narrow definition of democracy. Demonstrations by "lefties", or anyone else is an important part of a fully functioning democracy.


New member
Jul 10, 2003
North Laine
Beach Hut here is my view on this for what it's worth

Bush as the President and Head of State of our closest ally should be made welcome to the UK.

I believe we did the correct thing in carrying out operation Iraqi freedom, although concede it should have been done in 1991.

I have always believed the security situation would be worse after the initial conflict and that there is a danger of being drawn into a situation similar to Northern Ireland from a military aspect.

British Prime Minsisters will always tend to side with the USA so it is not really a case of Blair in Bush's pocket it is more the fact we are not the World power we once were, US have proved to be an ally in the past and we share common language, social values, history etc.

Those factors along with the fact we are no longer the power we once were have made succesive governments decide that it is better to have some say by being friends with the major power than have no sway in decsion making by antagonising that power.

A right to protest peacefully is all our right and this should be upheld, but lets face it there is a high probablity that a minority will seek violent confrontation with the police and seek to disrupt the visit so i would presume the police will take measures neccessary to prevent this.

A decision how to do this is for the UK police not the US.
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New member
Jul 6, 2003
I sure do hope theres gonna be a mass protest, placards with:
"Rigged any votes lately?"
"Tony Bush & George W Blair should be imprisoned"

songs like the above about weapons would be great, plus:
"Piss OFF....your not wanted here...piss not wanted here"
"your shit and you know you are"

personally I hope he gets a load of shit and I would laugh out loud if someone threw and egg at his face!
I have my reasons (hundreds of them) for hating Blair & Bush but I wont write them all down as I have shit loads of work to get through...maybe one day I will enlighten you all with my political views!

FAO the CIA/FBI/MI5/Old Bill I am *NOT* wasting my time going up there so you cant arrest me for anti-bush stuff!

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