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Draft letter examples to Prescott for those that need them.


You can change this
Helpful Moderator
Jul 4, 2003
Back in Sussex
Draft letter to Prescott for those that need it.


Your Name
Your Address


Dear Mr Prescott,

I am writing to you concerning the Public Inquiry into a stadium at Falmer, Brighton which you are currently overseeing.

Of particular note, I would like to highlight some important issues that appear to have been overlooked in the Local Plan Inspector’s report relating to Brighton & Hove’s Local Plan.

1. The report does not recognise the very real difficulties of finding a suitable site in the Brighton & Hove area.

2. The report does not reflect the overwhelming public support for the stadium project at Falmer and the detailed consultation process that took place prior to selecting the site

The planning application clearly demonstrated:

- the need Brighton & Hove Albion have for a new stadium

- evidence of the national importance of Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club

- the huge number of jobs and opportunities for education and skills training that would be provided by the proposed development

- an innovative sustainable transport scheme

- that the site at Falmer had the least impact of any of the very few potential sites for a stadium in the Brighton & Hove area

I trust you will not overlook the evidence provided at the Public Inquiry, the bulk of which seems to have been ignored by the Local Plan Inspector in his report, and finally give the people of Brighton and Hove the sporting facility it is so desperately missing.

Yours sincerely,
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You can change this
Helpful Moderator
Jul 4, 2003
Back in Sussex
Dear Sir

I wish to register my support for a community stadium at Falmer for the benefit of the City of Brighton and Hove.

I strongly disagree with the asertion that the area of Land identified is of "outstanding natural beauty", and that the building of a community stadium will conversely enhance the area, bringing much needed regeneration to the City with the removal of the 1960's prefabs and towers.

The community stadium at Falmer was backed overwhelmingly at the local elections in 1999, and later confirmed with the council vote of 11-1 in favour.

Over many years, the options for a viable community stadium have been narrowed by the council to Falmer, and Falmer only. All other sites have been considered, and none have been considered appropriate, leaving Falmer as the only realistic option.

Yours faithfully,

Help!! I'm on holdiday in Australia and I've twritten a letter and tried to email to the email address above twice, and both times it's bounced. Can somebody check it and post a corrected one (or maybe for some reason it won't accept emails from Hotmail?

As an exile I sent the following (any spelling mistakes I apologies as I just got in from the pub!):

Dear sirs,

I read with some dismay the conclusions of the Local Plan Inspector with regards to the plann for Brighton and Hove.

It strikes me that the overwhelming support for a community stadium (at the only logical location in Falmer) has been ignored and the suggested idea that a stadium should be put at the logistically unsound railway station seems ridiculous. The club and the community crave stadia facilities to match the ambition, and indeed size, of the city.

I am currently resident in southampton, but grew up in Hove. It is an embarassment that a properous modern city cannot currently build a suitable stadium for a football team in the city. I say this in direct comparison to the recent development of St Mary's stadium in Southampton which has enhanced civic pride no end.

I understand that there has also been a comment regarding the % allocation of affordable housing. One of the reasons I felt compelled to stay in Southampton, following my graduation in 1997, was the sheer fact that a young person had no prospect of buying a property in the Brighton and Hove area. Affordable housing is imperative to the area, in the same way that the Falmer stadium is. On both counts, the people are firmly behind such notions, and have used democratic means to back such projects. I only hope that the Governement can follow suit.

Yours faithfully
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Mods' Pet
Mine written and ready to post first thing...

Dear Mr Prescott,

I am writing to you concerning the Public Inquiry into a stadium at Falmer, Brighton which you are currently overseeing.

I would ask you to be aware that if you reject the site at Falmer, all major concerns about which have been fully addressed during the Public Enquiry, you are effectively telling the people of Brighton and Hove that you are happy to let their football club die.

The planning application as submitted clearly demonstrated:

- the need Brighton & Hove Albion have for a new stadium

- evidence of the national importance of Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club

- the huge number of jobs and opportunities for education and skills training that would be provided by the proposed development

- an innovative sustainable transport scheme

- that the site at Falmer had the least impact of any of the very few potential sites for a stadium in the Brighton & Hove area

Fans from many other clubs across the country have also actively campaigned on behalf of Brighton and Hove Albion.

Falmer IS suitable. There are NO feasible alternative sites.

I would urge you to bear this in mind when considering the Local Inspectors Report.

Yours sincerely,

portlock seagull

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2003
Mr John Prescott,
Deputy Prime Minister
26 Whitehall

February 4th, 2004

Dear Mr Prescott,

REF: Falmer Community Stadium Planning Application in Brighton & Hove

I am writing with frustration and anger at the local plan inspector’s report tonight.


The timing of the report is appalling. Your final decision is imminent after YEARS of tireless hard work and campaigning by thousands of people, not to mention millions of pounds of precious resources, dedicated to this application. In its support; Brighton and Hove City Council have fully endorsed it, the largest petition in the county’s history has been hand delivered to you, a local referendum was found in its favour by a large majority…What is compelling is the overwhelming support the application has received at a local level. Tonight this appears to have been breezed over, making the Public Enquiry a near farce. The report is nothing short of scandalous and is outraging tens of thousands of people like myself, who yet again write to express our views.

How many more letters must we write to convince central government that the majority of people in the city of Brighton and Hove and Sussex want a 21st century sports facility and the enormous benefits it will inject into the local area; both social and economic?

· The Inspectorate’s report ignores the very real difficulties of finding such a suitable site in the conurbations area. An exhausted search has already been conducted over the past 4 years. Falmer is the only location.

· It does not reflect the overwhelming support for the stadium project at Falmer and the immensely detailed consultation process undertaken before site selection

· It does not reflect Brighton and Hove Albion’s need for a new stadium nor the clubs importance both nationally and locally

· It ignores the huge number of jobs and opportunities for education and skills training the project would develop

· It ignores the applications attention to pioneer sustainable transport to access the site

· It ignores the FACT that Falmer has the least environmental impact of any of the initially proposed sites.

I hope at this late hour in the application’s process, that such an unfair and undemocratic report does not influence your better judgement. It would be a travesty if it did Mr Prescott.

Yours sincerely,


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
I'll proof read this and send it off in the morning. I'm too pissed off to concentrate now.

Dear Sir
I read with dismay that the report from the Local Plan Inspector has called into question the need for a community stadium within Brighton & Hove.

Above all, I am astonished that the report makes little reference to the difficulties in finding a suitable site within the city boundaries. The club should be commended for its efforts in locating a site that would cause the least disruption to traffic and housing and for developing a proposal based on sustainable transport that could set an environmental blueprint for future large projects of this nature.

The club spent years and many thousands of pounds on a detailed investigation of potential sites within the confines of the city (and beyond). It examined the viability of all of them (including the two mentioned by the Inspector) and concluded that the Falmer site was by far the best option.

I would remind you that over 90 percent of the electorate supported a new stadium within Brighton & Hove and more than 60 percent supported the development of the site at Falmer. There are not many projected developments that attract such a large volume of public support, although this reflects the huge interest in Brighton & Hove Albion within the city and in the surrounding area.

The proposed stadium could have an enormous economic impact on the city. Firstly, it is a development planned in a socially deprived part of Brighton and will produce a number of jobs where they are most needed. Secondly, it will make Brighton an even more attractive leisure destination. I come across many people who support teams that Brighton & Hove Albion have played over the past few years and who have been disappointed because they were not able to get tickets for the game (thanks to the small allocation). It shouldn’t be forgotten that a thriving football team in a large stadium means an increase in the number of visitors to the city.

Above all, the club’s vision is an exciting one because it will benefit the whole community. This is not just about the selfish needs of one football club, it is about serving the people of Brighton as a whole. The proposed stadium took into account the wider community as well as the needs of Brighton & Hove Albion. It was imaginative, thorough and had tackled some genuine public concerns. The stadium is supported by the population of Brighton and Hove, the local council and local MPs. I urge you to listen to them and support this proposal.

Yours faithfully


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
delivered tomorrow..........

Dear Mr. Prescott,

I am writing in dismay at the findings of the Local Plan Inspector on the City of Brighton & Hove's new Local Plan.

The council and the club have spent many years looking for a viable site for the stadium. All other sites have been fully considered. The proposed site is not in an area of outstanding natural beauty and the removal of the current buildings will actually enhance the area.

A democratic local referendum has backed the plans and the so have the council with a vote of 11-1.

The alternative site recommended is highly unsuitable and will lead to even more opposition.

The bulk of the evidence supporting the stadium in the recent public enquiry seems to be have ignored by the Inspector.

I do not wish to burden you with the entire history of this club, but unlike the highly publicised cases of clubs who have spent wildly beyond their means, we have been the victim of specific individuals whose actions were different and pre-date the recent financial crises within football.

We have survived but continue to be burdened by those actions. The current temporary stadium is not financially viable and we need a new home.

Without a new stadium we will be condemned to a possible death and the local community will lose a much needed sporting facility.

The fans want it, the council want it, the wider electorate in Brighton have voted for it and the Football Association and Universities are behind it.

Please consider these points when coming to your final conclusion.

Yours sincerely


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Meopham, Kent.
Well I've emailed that address. Not sure it's the best most professional correspondence I've ever sent, but I just had to send something.

I am writing this to implore you to look beyond the comments of the Local Plan Inspector who seems to have missed the very basics of what the planned stadium brings to the area, the city and the football club. He also completely misses the fact that without this planning application going through the club will cease to exist as the financial reality of continuing at our current ramshackled rented site are indeed dire.

The new stadium has won Planning Awards, it has been designed to fit in with the natural contours of the surrounding area, and is a beauty to behold.

It brings prosperity to the area, the development will provide jobs and opportunity for education and skills training.

The Inspectors recommendation is of two other potential sites that have already been ruled out as unfeasible by a team of independant advisors. One being Brighton Station car park, which is just ridiculously undersized and would cause an absolute disaster in the form of additional traffic to an already busy city centre. With the other site being Sheepcote Valley, which is almost certain to be in the National Park. It leaves me in sheer disbelief as to how such recommendations can be arrived at.

Please, please look beyong the recommendations of this report and take advise from others involved, such as Brighton and Hove City Council, and local MP's such as Ivor Caplin.

The findings of the Inspector are deeply flawed and this would be the end of this tremendous football club if you were to reject the plans for Falmer.

Thank you for the time you have spent reading my email, I just hope and pray that it encourages you to look very closely at this issue, and I trust you will make the right descision for the people of Brighton and Hove.

Yours faithfully,
Mark Everson.

Lady Bracknell

Handbag at Dawn
Jul 5, 2003
The Metropolis
Done and emailed to him tonight with letter to follow in post:

Dear Mr Prescott

Brighton & Hove Albion FC – Community Stadium Application

I am writing to you in respect of the community stadium at Falmer, Brighton which was the subject of a recent Public Inquiry. You are currently considering the evidence put to this Inquiry and, in your considerations I urge you to set aside the Local Plan Inspector’s report that rejected Falmer as the site for this desperately needed community stadium and permanent home for Brighton & Hove Albion FC. Without this stadium, our club has no sustainable future and our city will be a poorer place in all senses of the word.

The planning application as submitted clearly demonstrated:

- the need that Brighton & Hove Albion have for a new stadium

- the evidence of the national importance of Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club and that of football in the community.

- the economic benefits that would accrue from the stadium given the number of jobs created and the further opportunities for education and skills training generated by the development . These elements will compliment other initiatives aimed at regeneration and the reduction of social exclusion in the city.

- the benefits of an innovated, sustainable and integrated passenger transport scheme

- that the site at Falmer had the least impact of any of the very few potential sites for a stadium in the Brighton & Hove area

There are no alternative sites to Falmer and this was demonstrated at the Public Inquiry. Without Falmer there will be no Brighton and Hove Albion. If that happens, a vital part of our city and the community dies with it. Please don’t let that happen

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
Dear Mr Prescott,
I am writing with regard to the planning application for a Community Stadium for Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club at the site of Falmer. I understand that, following an extensive and lengthy Public Enquiry, the local Planning Inspector has not endorsed Falmer as a suitable site for the stadium, and has recommened that other sites for the stadium be considered.

At this stage, it is not known to me the reasons as to why the Inspector has deemed Falmer as unsuitable for the Community Stadium, but as I am sure you can appreciate, this news has come as a crushing and devastating blow to the supporters of the Stadium, and in particular, to the fans of Brighton & Hove Albion, who have, for five years, been playing at a rented athletics track as a temporary home after spending two years in exile at Gillingham, following the sale of the Goldstone Ground. As I am sure you are aware, in excess of 60,000 people voted in favour of the new stadium in a referendum, and Brighton & Hove Council subsequently voted by an 11-1 majority in support of the plans.

It is inconceivable to me how the plans could have been rejected by the Inspector. The proposed site is immediatly adjacent to the A27, a major dual carriageway which would provide excellent access to the stadium. The plans were designed in sympathy with the surrounding landscape, and all local environmental and transport issues were investigated extensively by a body of experts. The overwhelming evidence of this Enquiry was that the planning application was sound, so having witnessed this Enquiry personally, I am at a loss as to the reasons for the Inspectors rejections of Falmer as a viable application for the Community Stadium.

I make no apology for speaking from the heart. If this application is declined, it will mean the death of Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club. The Club simply cannot sustain itself at its current home of Withdean Stadium. Withdean was always intended as a temporary home - a stopgap until the granting of a purpose-built stadium for for the city of Brighton and Hove, and its football club. Withdean is simply not equipped to sustain a Football League club, at any level, in the long term. It is utterly inconceivable how other cities and towns such as, for example, Oxford, Darlington, Huddersfield, Sunderland, Derby, Middlesbrough, Chester, Hull, Reading, Leicester, Stoke, Wigan, Millwall, Northampton and Scunthorpe, have managed successful applications to move to new, purpose-built stadiums, while a club and city the size of Brighton & Hove has not.

I implore you to look beyond the recommendations of the Inspector, and examine for yourself the evidence of the Enquiry. It is there for all to see. Falmer is NEEDED, it is VIABLE and it is the ONLY WAY that a proud football club and its vociferous and extensive supporter base throughout Sussex can continue to exist. As I am sure you are already aware - your decision, and your decision alone, will mean the difference between Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club continuing beyond its proud 103 year history, or it perishing at the hands of you and your Inspector.

For the sake of me, my young son, the thousands of fans throughout Sussex and beyond, and the future generations of Albion fans, I beg you to make the right choice. The only choice.



Kiss my (_!_)
Jul 14, 2003
Here's mine...any reason why I shouldn't send it 'as is'?

Dear Mr Prescott,

You are soon to be asked to give a decision relating to the proposed community stadium for the City of Brighton and Hove and I am writing to you now to ask you to consider the following before you announce your decision:

A referendum was held in the city and the support for the stadium to be built at Falmer was overwhelming. Numerous other sites were considered but the one at Falmer was proven to be the only viable option. Brighton and Hove is unique and a suitable site for a much needed stadium is far more difficult to find than it would be in other towns and cities around Britain.

We do not have the luxury of huge swathes of abandoned industrial areas. What we have is a city deserving of a modern community stadium sited within the city boundaries. The Falmer site is the only sensible option. It will not attract traffic into an already crowded town centre. There is a railway station within yards of the proposed stadium which will encourage greater use of sustainable public transport. The football club already operates an innovative Park and Ride scheme that has been successful in many ways-not least of which is the fact that both sets of supporters ride to and from our temporary home together. Without any hint of trouble. The stadium at Falmer will be served by this proven system.

You have already received a petition and letters signed by more than 61,000 people-the majority from Brighton and Hove itself but also supported by people from all over the UK and from almost every country on the planet. These people are relying on you to make the obvious and sensible decision to approve the planning application for the community stadium at Village Way North, Falmer.

I urge you to visit Brighton and Hove yourself to see that there are no other options open to Brighton and Hove Albion for a deserved permanent new home. Your decision will safeguard the future of the only professional football club in Sussex. The only professional club in the country without a permanent home. Without a home thanks to unscrupulous businessmen only interested in the value of the land of its former home.

You have, with your approval of the application, the opportunity to give the people of Sussex a stadium they can be proud of and that they deserve. Mr Prescott, I urge you to take notice of all of the professional recommendations made to the public enquiry which concluded last year. I urge you to take into account the result of the referendum that was conclusive in its support of the Falmer Stadium proposals. I also ask you to take notice of the more than 60,000 people who have sent letters and signed petitions in favour of building the new stadium at Falmer.

The City of Brighton and Hove needs a proper stadium. Brighton and Hove Albion need a new stadium because without it the club will die. The only viable location for the new stadium is at Falmer.

Please make the right decision and approve the application for Falmer so that the kids of Sussex have a LOCAL professional football team to support, to aspire to play for and to be proud of!

Yours sincerely

Robert Martin.

Easy 10

Brain dead MUG SHEEP
Jul 5, 2003
Location Location
Can I just say - the letters from you lot on this thread are bloody superb. Prescott would have to have a heart of stone not to be moved by them.

If the Falmer application was judged on the passion, effort and determination of the Albion fans, we'd have been there three years ago. Makes me proud to be one of you.


Mr John Prescott,
Deputy Prime Minister
26 Whitehall

February 5th 2004

With reference to:

Dear Sir,

Notwithstanding the professional competence of the local plan inspector, Charles Hoile, employed by your department, I am writing to urge you to exercise your oversight powers on the above report to redress the omissions and flaws in the sections pertaining to the proposed community stadium at Falmer.

The inspector’s report cuts across and ultimately trivialises the very serious and deliberate planning process that has been under way in the City for some while now on the community stadium proposal.

This planning process has been fair and open one, allowing all to contribute in the true democratic spirit of local accountability, consultation and decision-making.

As you are no doubt aware, it has involved a unique people’s referendum where the Falmer community stadium proposal earned a sizable vote of endorsement from the City electorate, a planning application considered at length by Brighton and Hove City Council, and finally and most importantly, a long and deliberate enquiry by one of your department’s inspectors into the merits of the scheme, where all interested parties could make their case and submit evidence in a fair and equitable manner.

The thousands of hours of work that has gone into this process by a huge number of planning professionals and the many thousands of residents in Sussex now appears to be threatened by the very partial and ill-considered conclusions of Mr Hoile.

I would urge you to place as much weight on the conclusions of his report as the amount of work done in reaching them, which was miniscule compared with the forensic process of the Falmer planning inquiry.

The slipshod conclusions can be seen clearly in the unserious proposals for alternative sites for the community stadium at Brighton station, which would be too small and blight the city centre with congestion, and Sheepcote Valley, which is already well used for community leisure purposes but does not have the public transport infrastructure to cope with stadium use. His other proposals are as equally risible: Withdean would require huge redevelopment work that would have a serious impact on the local community and Brighton’s railway line; and Toad’s Hole Valley would have a disastrous impact on local wildlife as well as being totally unsuitable for public transport. The shortcomings of these alternatives have all been widely publicised in independent consultants’ reports that Mr Hoile has bizarrely chosen to disregard.

The inspector has also chosen to ignore the huge weight of evidence showing the crucial importance of the new community stadium and the prosperity of Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club to civic pride and, yes, even regional pride. The facility would be used by a huge catchement area south of the M25 stretching to the Sussex borders eastward and westwards.

The renewed vitality that the community stadium would give to the social and leisure scene in Sussex, the considerable economic boost to a locality in need of jobs and a boost in prosperity, and the additional opportunities it would give for education and skills training, a subject dear to your government’s heart, all raise the issue to national importance and the worthy subject of intervention by the office of Deputy Prime Minister.

The disastrous consequences of rejecting the community stadium proposal at Falmer would mortally endanger a football club that has been part of the fabric of life of the region for 103 years. It would represent a particularly devastating blow to the youth of Sussex who would be deprived of the positive experience of learning to feel civic pride in the achievements of their community. Such an appalling step could only further encourage community alienation and anti-social behaviour.

The Falmer site has been chosen by Brighton and Hove residents because independent consultants have demonstrated that it offers the best public transport links for a sustainable scheme of moving large numbers of stadium users with the minimum environmental impact. The proposal has attracted all-party support from local councillors and MPs because the impact on land close to the A27 and the university developments is seen to be minimal when compared to the huge advantages it will bring to the social and economic life of the community.

The Taylor report commissioned by government many years ago placed a responsibility on local planning agencies to respond sensitively to the need for new community sporting stadia to replace inadequate and outdated facilities. The people of Sussex have suffered more than any other community in Britain from such dire facilities, only a minority of people interested in watching Brighton and Hove Albion FC play can regularly do so.

The many tens of thousands of people in Sussex who voted in the ballot box and signed petitions in favour of a community stadium at Falmer are looking to you, Mr Deputy Prime Minister, to deliver them from the appalling prospect of the death of their most beloved sporting institution. Do not underestimate the political significance of this issue for the people of Brighton and Hove. And most of all, please do not let us down!


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2003
Mr John Prescott,
Deputy Prime Minister
26 Whitehall

Dear Mr Prescott,

I am writing concerning the Public Inquiry into a stadium at Falmer, Brighton, which you are currently overseeing.

I would like to highlight three important issues that appear to have been totally (and undemocratically) overlooked in the Local Plan Inspector’s report (issued 3 Feb 2004).

I am outraged by Mr Hoile’s shockingly casual, ill-informed and opinionated report relating to Brighton & Hove’s Local Plan.

1. He ignores the issues. Mr Hoile’s report does not recognise the very real difficulties of finding a suitable site in the Brighton & Hove area. This alone renders his conclusions worthless.

2. He ignores the work done to date. He skates past the detailed consultation process that took place prior to selecting Falmer. This omission is a disgrace. He instead, for some bizarre reason, has gone off on pointless tangents, randomly grasping at a number of completely unsuitable alternatives that have already been rejected by the club, council and city after exhaustive research into traffic, noise, environment, housing and other issues. Mr Hoile, all these sites have already been looked at. They’ve failed to meet the criteria. Falmer is the only site that does meet it.

3. He ignores the democratic voice of local people. His report does not reflect the overwhelming public support for the stadium project at Falmer. The council voted 11-1 in favour, 90% of a local referendum supported it. These decisons should be about democracy and consideration of the issues, not the ill-considered opinions of one person.

The planning application clearly demonstrated:
- the need Brighton & Hove Albion have for a new stadium
- evidence of the national importance of Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club
- the huge number of jobs and opportunities for education and skills training that would be provided by the proposed development
- an innovative sustainable transport scheme
- that the site at Falmer had the least impact of any of the very few potential sites for a stadium in the Brighton & Hove area.

I trust you will not overlook the evidence provided at the Public Inquiry, the bulk of which seems to have been ignored by the Local Plan Inspector in his report. Mr Hoile seems to have made up his mind on personal whims not the evidence in the application. I have every confidence you will not do the same.

Please give the people of Brighton and Hove the sporting facility it is so desperately missing.

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
Dear Mr Prescott

I am writing to you with reference to the planning application for the Community stadium at Falmer.

The Local Plan Inspector's report presented by Mr Hoile has completely overlooked the importance, hard work and dedication of many hundreds - yes, hundreds - of people endeavouring to create a multi-purpose stadium in Brighton. His report trivialises not just the stadium, but the nature of housing policies and sustainable growth in Brighton & Hove. Policies, incidentally, which have been handed down from the ODPM, and which are making the city a more prosperous, safer place, while at the same time using initiatives to reduce poverty and crime.

He ignores the fact that there is a city-wide consensus for the need and desire to have a stadium, on a site which is NOT open downland, nor in a particularly area of any beauty, natural or otherwise. The head of the Football Association stated at the public inquiry the need for a stadium at Falmer is in the national interest. If the head of the governing body of our national sport states this, who is anybody to state that it is not?

Mr Hoile's alternative sight is far more contentious, and totally inappropriate. It is unsustainable for public transport use, is on open download and on a landfill site. Surely a case for a complete non-understanding of the facts presented to him. One can only assume a pre-ordained decision?

Over 62,000 signed the petition for the stadium, over 45,000 stated their desire in a local referendum, and 6,000 letters were recently presented to the Prime Minister's office.

I would respectfully ask that the ODPM consider this report as biased, unreasonable (it some places, it is plain wrong) and wholly inappropriate to the future prosperity of not just the city's football club (in many ways, the city life blood), but to the city as a whole.

The city, and the country (it has been stated as being of national importance) needs this stadium. STADIUM YES.

Yours sincererly

Alan Wares


Super Moderator
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Penrose, Cornwall
Dear Mr Prescott,

I am writing with reference to the Public Enquiry relating to the provision of a Community Stadium for the City of Brighton and Hove, to be built at Falmer.

You may wonder why a resident of Southampton is writing to you about a stadium in Brighton, I have lived in Sussex for much of my life and am a life-long supporter of Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club. I have experienced at first hand the fight for a new stadium, whcih has been ongoing for 7 years, since our old ground (The Goldstone Ground) was demolished to make way for a Retail Park.

I have read with considerable dismay the report produced by the Local Plan Inspector on the City of Brighton and Hove's proposed Local Plan.

The report appears to completely ignore the compelling evidence for a stadium at Falmer and the massive depth of support for the plans. It seems to completely miss the point of why the city desparately needs a Community Stadium. It would be disastrous for Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club and for the City of Brighton and Hove, if their right to a modern stadium is denied because many of the compelling reasons for building the stadium at Falmer appear to have been casually dismissed.

A number of alternative sites for the stadium were suggested and significant difficulties were encountered in finding a suitable site within the City. Falmer was clearly identified as by far the most suitable site. As well as enjoying excellent road and rail access, the application contained plans for an innovative (and sustainable) transport scheme. The site at Falmer has the least impact of any of the potential sites and attracted OVERWHELMING public support. As well as a new, permanent home for the Football Club and a modern facility for the City, the stadium will create a huge number of new jobs and opportunities for education and skills development.

Brighton and Hove Albion have a rich and glorious history and are able to call on a huge and loyal fan base. The club is desparate for a new stadium to allow the club to grow and provide the means for all those that want to watch the team to be able to do so. The supporters, players and officials of Brighton and Hove Albion are known throughout the Football World as people who are passionate about their club and on a number of ocassions have been very supportive to other clubs who have found themselves in difficulty.

With this in mind, I implore you to take these factors into account when assessing the proposal for the new stadium. The people of Brighton and Hove and the supporters of Brighton and Hove Albion want this new stadium. More importantly, the people of Brighton and Hove and the supporters of Brighton and Hove Albion NEED the Community Stadium at Falmer.

I, along with many thousands of others, look forward to receiving your approval for the plans shortly.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Hine

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