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Charts, Woolworths etc/media so far


1997 Club
Jul 17, 2003
South Central Southwick
(Still no word from Skint re TOTP by the way)
Lots of enquiries about different charts - there seem to be loads but the only one that counts really is the BBC Top 40. The main other one (The Pepsi Chart, my mate Otway tells me) is the one the supermarket chains use to conveniently 'forget' about any record which doesn't conform to the corporate norm. Ultimately no stores, whether HMV, Virgin or Tesco/Woolies, are obliged to stock any record just because it is top 40: I suspect you'll find us in the 17 hole at the local ones but if you look elsewhere apart from London and a few other places there will be a gap. This is because they reckon that despite our placing there won't be interest in, say, Peterborough. But if people ask for it it will be ordered in. On stock left that is the best we can do.

I will watch for the next 2 days to see if we have dramatic orders/ sales 'cos of the placing, and if we do I'll talk to Skint about pressing more. We are still Number One at HMV but down behind all the Elvis now at Amazon: my feeling (yours too I expect) is that we have done what we set out to do and now it's just a case of using the publicity to sell the rest of 1000 odd copies about, thus making the perfect result - huge publicity and maximum profit for the Albion.

As I mentioned earlier, I'll be taking 150 copies to cover the £600 I have paid out for the recording costs and the flyers which went in with the Spurs tickets. They will be sold on my website and at forthcoming gigs in the UK and mainland Europe so I can recoup my costs. Any copies remaining after the next few days will go straight to the Club Shop where each one will make 100% profit for the club - no distributors'/shop cut to consider.

There seem to be charts all over the place. I'm amused that we were 10 in the Sunday People - wonder where they got that one from! The one that uses airplay (what a stitch up that is) had us at 32....

But the only ones I think really mean anything are the BBC one and the official NME independent chart (where we are apparently Number 3 - I'm pleased about that, that one means something)

The message has got out everywhere, locally and nationally. It has been a fantastic success.

Here's my checklist: GREAT piece in the Guardian, we've been in the Mirror, Sunday Mirror, Times, Sun ( I'm hoping for the Independent soon) radio wise Radio One of course (that was superb!) 5 Live, Talk Sport, World Service (main sports bulletin, I listen to it when I'm on tour, it's great and has a huge listenership) lots of mentions on BBC websites, quite a few other clubs' websites and Sky Sports on national TV. Apparently a few other clubs have played our version, notably Cardiff who played it and explained why. Good on them if that is true. And of course we have TOTP and the other chart shows coming up - they will HAVE to mention us, I am still hoping for more....

I'd appreciate it if you'd post here if anyone has heard other mentions/plays elsewhere nationally.

More soon

Shropshire Seagull

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
Went into Telford town centre today.

In HMV the No.17 slot was filled with another song. I pointed this out to the lad re-staking and asked if he had no. 17 Tom Hark. He said, that's them bloody southerner lot in'it? No, we 'aven't.

In Woolies, the lady said, we have our own chart. I suggested to her that if they didn't stock a given record then how on earth could it ever get into their Woolies chart - she just shrugged her shoulders.

Then on to Virgin, again the no 17 slot in the singles rack had the wrong single in it. I asked at the desk and they said "We must of sold out" - I asked if they could confirm they ever had any to sell - but they couldn't. He said come back Weds after we get our delivery. I will and I'll moan a bit louder that this is my third visit to buy a single that's now in the charts - what sort of a record shop is this!

I need two copies (in additio to my ordered one from Amazon) to send to the two local MPs - might need some help.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Border country.East Preston.
I've just thrown away the Guardian because i couldn't find the piece.What page?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Shropshire Seagull said:
Went into Telford town centre today.

In HMV the No.17 slot was filled with another song. I pointed this out to the lad re-staking and asked if he had no. 17 Tom Hark. He said, that's them bloody southerner lot in'it? No, we 'aven't.

In Woolies, the lady said, we have our own chart. I suggested to her that if they didn't stock a given record then how on earth could it ever get into their Woolies chart - she just shrugged her shoulders.

Then on to Virgin, again the no 17 slot in the singles rack had the wrong single in it. I asked at the desk and they said "We must of sold out" - I asked if they could confirm they ever had any to sell - but they couldn't. He said come back Weds after we get our delivery. I will and I'll moan a bit louder that this is my third visit to buy a single that's now in the charts - what sort of a record shop is this!

I need two copies (in additio to my ordered one from Amazon) to send to the two local MPs - might need some help.

Go on my son ,let em av it.:clap:


North Stand Kollective
Sep 17, 2004
I went into HMV Manchester (Market Street), same story. Another record in the 17 slot! Again they said come in on Wednesday (when their delivery comes in).

I had already ordered 2 copies from this branch before Christmas (which never arrived!!!!)

For those that didn't see my other thread, the chief singles buyer told me 'It deff. won't chart'!!!!



1997 Club
Jul 17, 2003
South Central Southwick
More publicity. The single was mentioned on Boston (USA) station WBZ 1030 which apparently reaches more than half of America!

Now (in the spirit of the language thread) I'll give you the one from die tageszeitung (no, they don't use capitals though they should - it's alternative, see) which is the more radical equivalent of the Guardian in Germany. Piece written by my good mate Gerd from FC St.Pauli who was over for the Ipswich game/my sponsored gig. If I wasn't completely knackered I'd translate it but it basically says everything we all know already but a million or so Germans wouldn't!!

hallo attila,

aus der taz:

Wie in Albaniens achter Liga
Die Fans des englischen Fuß-ballklubs Brighton & Hove Albion kämpfen für ein eigenes Stadion. Eine neue Single soll dabei helfen
"Our grounds too small / The costs too high / Without Falmer / Our club will die" singen die Seagulls Ska auf ihrer Single "Tom Hark (We Want Falmer)", die heute in England erscheint. Seagulls Ska ist die Band des Musikers Attila The Stockbroker, der seit Jahren den Kampf der Fans des Fußballklubs Brighton & Hove Albion für ein eigenes Stadion unterstützt. Seit mehr als sieben Jahren ist der Verein nunmehr heimatlos, immerhin spielt das "Seagulls" genannte traditionsreiche Team seit 1999 wieder in Brighton, nachdem es seine Heimspiele zwei Jahre lang im 130 Kilometer entfernten Gillingham austragen musste.

Doch das Withdean-Stadion, wo die Seagulls nun spielen, fasst nur knapp 7.000 Zuschauer und ähnelt einem Dorfplatz. Pläne für ein neues Stadion mit 23.000 Plätzen in Falmer am Stadtrand von Brighton liegen seit Monaten bei der Stadtverwaltung, doch diese scheint unwillig, den Bau der Arena zu genehmigen. Um dem Wunsch der Fans auch musikalischen Ausdruck zu verleihen, hat Attila The Stockbroker die neue Platte aufgenommen, die neben "Tom Hark" auch die Hymne der Albion-Supporters "Sussex By The Sea" in zwei Versionen enthält, sowie den Song "Roll Up For The Donkey Derby", der den mangels regionaler Konkurrenten zum Erzrivalen erkorenen Londoner Klub Crystal Palace verspottet. Neben den Einnahmen, die der Kampagne für das neue Stadion zugute kommen, erhoffen sich die Musiker auch Publicity für ihre Sache etwa durch Auftritte in Fernsehsendungen wie Top of the Pops.

Das Unheil bei Brighton & Hove Albion nahm ab 1993 seinen Lauf, als der Klub, seit über achtzig Jahren in den englischen Profiligen vertreten, in die Drittklassigkeit abrutschte. Und mit rund drei Millionen Pfund Schulden kurz vor dem Konkurs stand. Zudem war das vereinseigene Goldstone-Stadion veraltet und genügte nicht mehr den Sicherheitsauflagen. Wie aus dem Nichts tauchte ein vermeintlicher Heilsbringer namens Bill Archer auf, Direktor einer großen Heimwerkermarkt-Kette. Im Handstreich erwarb er die Mehrheit am Klub für den Spottpreis von 56,25 Pfund - und plante "Großes". Der neue Präsident gewann David Bellotti, einen ehemaligen Parlamentarier, als Generalmanager. Archer, Stanley und Bellotti versprachen den Fans, ein neues Stadion an der Peripherie zu errichten. Zwei Jahre später war immer noch nichts passiert. Dann förderte die lokale Zeitung Evening Argus schier Unglaubliches zu Tage: Das Präsidium hatte das Stadiongelände gegen die Bestimmungen des englischen Fußballverbandes (FA) und ohne Mitgliederbefragung für 7,4 Millionen Pfund an das mit Archer verbundene Konsortium Chartwell Development Properties verkauft. Damit stand der Traditionsverein plötzlich ohne Spielstätte da. Das versprochene neue Stadion erwies sich als Lippenbekenntnis, als Seifenblase in einem von vornherein abgekarteten Spiel.

Spieler wurden quasi weggeekelt, die Seagulls fielen auch sportlich ans Ende der Division. Nun war endgültig klar, dass der Klub in die Hände von Geschäftemachern geraten war, die ihn absichtlich absteigen lassen wollten, um sich mit dem Profit aus dem Staub zu machen. Die Fans protestierten zunächst mit Gesängen, Flugblättern und Leserbriefen in der lokalen Presse über ihre Brighton Independent Supporters Assoziation (BISA). Mitgründer Attila the Stockbroker alias John Baine sah 1997 zwar Reaktionen in der Öffentlichkeit, aber kaum den Willen zur Veränderung: "Die Football Supporters Association hält sich raus, die Football Association kümmert sich nur um die Premier League", ärgerte er sich.

Unter diesen Umständen fast sensationell, konnte das Team dem Abstieg entgehen. "Wir werden weitermachen, denn Brighton ist nur der Anfang. Die Menschen hier haben nicht allein für Brighton demonstriert, sondern für den Fußball, der den Fans gehört", resümierte Baine, der fortan bei Heimspielen auch als Stadionsprecher fungierte und das Publikum mit selbst auf englischen Fußballplätzen ungewohnten Klängen von The Clash, Chumbawamba oder den Sex Pistols unterhielt. Der Abriss des Goldstone-Stadions hatte am 26. April 1997 begonnen, der Klub musste ins Exil, zunächst nach Gillingham in Kent an der Themse-Mündung.

Inzwischen hatte zwar eine Gruppe um den lokalen Werbefachmann Dick Knight 50,5 Prozent des Klubs erworben und so die Macht von Bill Archer gebrochen, doch die Chartwell Development hatte das Grundstück des zerstörten Goldstone-Stadions für 24 Millionen Pfund bereits weiter verschoben. Immerhin fand Knight mit Fatboy Slims Musiklabel Skint nicht nur einen passenden Trikotsponsor, sondern konnte auch die Rückkehr nach Brighton bewerkstelligen. Dort legte der Verein im alten Leichtathletik-Stadion von Withdean eine fast märchenhafte Siegesserie hin, die ihn von der dritten in die erste Division führte, die Klasse direkt unterhalb der Premier League.
Der Höhenflug ist inzwischen gestoppt. 2003 ging es wieder in Division Two, wo die Seagulls derzeit nicht unbedingt vielversprechend auf Rang 20 liegen. "Wenn sie kein neues Stadion bekommen, werden sie jedes Jahr um ihr Leben kämpfen", sagt Danny Wilson, Manager von Bristol City und ehemaliger Brighton-Spieler. Drastischer drückt es Attila in "Tom Hark" aus: "Were stuck in an athletics track we really hate / Like playing in Albania Division Eight".

taz Nr. 7554 vom 3.1.2005, Seite 19, 181 Zeilen (Kommentar), GERD DEMBOWSKI / MATTI LIESKE


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
and courtesy of the Google bad (but often amusing) translation services...

hello attila, from taz: As in of Albania figure eight league the fans of the English soccer club Brighton & Hove Albion fight for an own stadium. A new single is to help thereby "Our grounds too small/The costs too high/Without Falmer/Our club wants" to sing the Seagulls Ska on its single "Tom rakes (incoming goods want Falmer)", which appears today in England.

Seagulls Ska is those volume of the musician Attila The stick broker, who supports the fight of the fans of the soccer club Brighton & Hove Albion for its own stadium for years. Since more than seven years is the association now homeless, nevertheless plays the "Seagulls" steeped in tradition team mentioned since 1999 again in Brighton, after it its heimspiele removed two years long in 130 kilometers for Gillingham to deliver had. But the Withdean stadium, where the Seagulls plays now, seizes only scarcely 7,000 spectators and resembles a village square.

Plans for a new stadium with 23.000 places in Falmer at the outskirts of a town of Brighton lie for months during the city administration, but this seems indignant to approve the building of the arena. In order to lend to the desire of the fans also musical expression, Attila The stick broker took up the new plate, which beside "Tom rake" also the Hymne of the Albion Supporters "Sussex By The Sea" in two versions contains, as well as the Song "roll UP For The Donkey Derby", which scoffs for lack of regional competitors Londoner club Crystal Palace erkorenen to the ore rival.

Beside the incomes, which benefit the campaign for the new stadium, the musicians expect also publicity for their thing approximately by appearances in television broadcasts such as Top OF the Pops. The mischief with Brighton & Hove Albion took its run starting from 1993, when the club, since over eighty years in the English professional leagues represent, into which Drittklassigkeit slipped. And with approximately three million Pound of debts before the bankruptcy stood briefly.

Besides the association-own gold clay/tone stadium had become outdated and did not meet any longer the safety conditions. As from that nothing emerged an alleged Heilsbringer named Bill Archer, director of a large do-it-yourself enthusiast market chain. In the hand caper it acquired the majority at the club for the ridiculous price of 56,25 Pound - and planned "large". The new president won David Bellotti, a former parliamentarian, as a general manager. Archer, Stanley and Bellotti promised the fans to establish a new stadium at the periphery.

Two years later still nothing had passed. Then the local newspaper Evening Argus promoted almost unbelievable to day: The presidency had the stadium area against the regulations of the English football federation (COMPANY) and without member questioning for 7.4 million Pound to the consortium Chartwell development Properties connected with Archer sells. Thus the traditional association stood suddenly without play place there. The promised new stadium proved as lip-service, as seifenblase in a from the beginning preconcerted play.

Players were away-disgusted quasi, the Seagulls fell also sportily to the end of the division. Now it was finally clear that the club was guessed/advised into the hands of geschaeftemachern, who wanted to let it descend intentionally, in order to make itself with the profit from the dust. The fans protested first with singing, handbills and reader letters in the local press over its Brighton Independent Supporters association (BISA). Joint founder Attila the stick brokers alias John Baine saw reactions in the public, but hardly the will to 1997 for change: "the football Supporters Association holds itself raus, the football Association worries only about the Prime Minister League", was annoyed it.

Under these circumstances nearly sensationally, the team could escape the descent. "we will continue, because Brighton is only the beginning. Humans demonstrated here not alone for Brighton, but for the football, which summarized the fans belonged ", Baine, which functioned from now on with heimspielen also as Stadionsprecher and which public maintained with even sounds of The Clash, Chumbawamba or the Sex Pistols, unusual on English football fields.

The outline of the gold clay/tone stadium had begun on 26 April 1997, the club had in the exile, first after Gillingham in Kent at the Themse delta. In the meantime a group had acquired Knight 50.5 per cent of the club around the local publicity man thickly and had broken so the power of Bill Archer, but the Chartwell development had continued to shift the property of the destroyed gold clay/tone stadium for 24 million Pound already.

Knight with Fatboy Slims music label Skint nevertheless found not only a suitable leotard sponsor, but could also the return to Brighton manage. There the association in the old Leichtathletik stadium of Withdean put a nearly fairy taleful victory series down, which led it from third into the first division, the class directly underneath the Prime Minister League. The high-altitude flight is in the meantime stopped. 2003 went it again into division Two, where the Seagulls was not at present necessarily promisingly on rank 20. "if they no new stadium gotten, will fight them each year for their life", say Danny Wilson, manager of Bristol town center and former Brighton player.

More drastically it presses Attila in "Tom rakes" out: "Were stucco in on athletics TRACK incoming goods really hate/Like playing in Albania division Eight". GERD DEMBOWSKI, MATTI LIESKE taz No. 7554 of 3.1.2005, page 19, 181 lines (comment), GERD DEMBOWSKI/MATTI LIESKE
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Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
Knight with Fatboy Slims music label Skint nevertheless found not only a suitable leotard sponsor, but could also the return to Brighton manage.



Jul 5, 2003
Seagulls Ska on its single "Tom rakes (incoming goods want Falmer)"

Incoming goods want Falmer?

:lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol: :lolol:

What about us? We want it too!


Jul 5, 2003
That whole translation post by clapham, are you sure that's not Kev just typing as normal?


Kiss my (_!_)
Jul 14, 2003
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