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  1. V

    Is, "Dance Wth My Father" the most gay song ever written?

    It has been pointed out to me that the title of this thread could be offensive to gay people. I know that this thread has gone cold but if you have stumbled across it and you happen to be offended I can only apologise and explain that "gay" in this context really means awkward. The title of this...
  2. V

    Is, "Dance Wth My Father" the most gay song ever written?

    I am calm as ya like, bud. Strangely, the words and views of strangers on an internet forum tend not to cut that deep.
  3. V

    Can the human species survive forever?

    Some scientists claim that this universe of ours cannot exist forever. Some predict that the fabric of space will tear itself apart one day in a "big rip." Others foretell of how the universe's expansion will reverse, with all of the matter we can see being forced into a single, infinitely small...
  4. V

    Is, "Dance Wth My Father" the most gay song ever written?

    Don't like my thread? Then, f***
  5. V

    Is, "Dance Wth My Father" the most gay song ever written?

    Nice observation, genius. I would shake your hand but I fear it would come off...
  6. V

    Is, "Dance Wth My Father" the most gay song ever written?

    I am not surprised that a knuckle dragging, shit for brains, Jeremy Kyle guest candidate such as yourself feels this way. My threads have posed intellectually nourishing questions and you decide to flick a typically net monkeyish "epic fail" comment onto this one! I've noticed how you have only...
  7. V

    Is, "Dance Wth My Father" the most gay song ever written?

    This from the attention whore who has more started threads and more posts than the rest of us combined? I also notice how you've included that little icon in many of your posts. Why did you pick that one? Why include an animation of a figure waving its' arms around?? Hmmm...I wonder...?
  8. V

    Is, "Dance Wth My Father" the most gay song ever written?

    I understand the songs' lyrical context but that still doesn't counteract the imagery that this tune provokes. Whenever I hear it I can't help but picture a grown man slow dancing with his own father. Both are dressed in tuxes and on a dimly lit dance floor whilst somber looking relatives nod...
  9. V

    An afterlife for Atheists?

    The material that we see in the universe today was created from pure energy in the moments of creation. One of the things Einstein has shown us is that matter and energy are the same thing. How do you get matter from nothing? Good question! Nobody knows the absolute answer to that but perhaps...
  10. V

    An afterlife for Atheists?

    The traditional response to the question, "what happens when we die?" has either been, "you go to Heaven if you've been good or Hell if you've been bad" or, "you rot in the ground, Son. Harsh but true!" On the face of it this seems to be all she wrote. Either Christians are correct and we...
  11. V

    An afterlife for Atheists?

    If a person does this because they believe that God has commanded them to then the mystery has been solved as clearly, they assume the rewards will be waiting for them in Heaven. If a commited Atheist decides to do this then, well...I guess it depends on the individual circumstances. I know of...
  12. V

    An afterlife for Atheists?

    Darwinian explanations for altruism are wholly satisfactual. Yes, I take your point that Darwin's doctrine of, "survival of the fittest" is at odds with the definition of altruism. However, altruism in humans can still manifest itself within the parameters of traditional dog eat dog Darwinian...
  13. V

    An afterlife for Atheists?

    As far as I know, nobody has committed themselves to the view that "nothing" caused the creation of the universe. Christians say that God was the cause while the rest of us claim not to know the cause. Of course, not knowing what caused the big bang is not equal to saying that it was caused by...
  14. V

    An afterlife for Atheists?

    I have to agree with you here, this guy assumes an awful lot. The "beauty" of the sunset is a perfect example. To you it might be beautiful but to me it could look ugly. As for morals, mercy, altruism and so on...I believe that there is a reasonable Darwinian explanation for these things where...
  15. V

    Is, "Dance Wth My Father" the most gay song ever written?

    What gets me is the fact that this song takes itself completely seriously. What kind of dancing does Luther want to indulge in with his own father? If we were to match the dance style with the feel of this song then we can only conclude that Mr Vandross is inclined to slow dance with daddy. I...
  16. V

    An afterlife for Atheists?

    This "stuff" is moving in this way because the space itself is expanding in all directions and the "substance" is clinging on to that space. Imagine I had a balloon and I blew it up until it was the size of an orange. I then, using a felt tipped marker, dabbed some dots over the surface of this...
  17. V

    An afterlife for Atheists?

    Nice question! It's a head scratcher, that's for sure. I think the answer may lie in the fact that space and time are the same things. If I move through space at a high rate of speed I can actually cause the rate of expansion and therefore the flow of time to pass by me more slowly than it would...
  18. V

    An afterlife for Atheists?

    I do not believe that life after death need only be explainable by supernatural means. Perhaps we just need a new way of looking at things. Maybe we are reborn in a paralle universe but, because we need experience and a flow of time in order to form memories we never remember that part of time...
  19. V

    An afterlife for Atheists?

    I sympathise with this view. I used to struggle with the idea that we had gotten everything from nothing and I still do to a certain extent but there are certain aspects of nature which, when examined and thought about, go some way towards explaining how it could have all happened. For example...
  20. V

    An afterlife for Atheists?

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